Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

"Ace" McShane was a companion of the Seventh Doctor.

Initially a brash and reckless teenager (TVDragonfire), Ace matured significantly into a strong, independent adult over her many years of TARDIS travel and other experiences, who was capable of surviving on her own. (TVSurvival)

Born on Earth, Ace eventually attended the Academy on Gallifrey, becoming a Time Lord. (TV: Thin Ice

Biography []

Before traveling with the Doctor[]

Dorothy Gale McShane wahi s born to Audrey Dudman (TVThe Curse of Fenric

Naturally aggressive but also clever, Ace was skilled at using her knowledge of chemistry despite failing it for her O-levels, making bombs filled with an explosive of her own devising called Nitro-9. (TVDragonfire)

She suffered several traumatic events in her childhood in PerivaleLondon. These included a bad relationship with her mother and in 1983 the firebombing of her friend Manisha Purkayastha's flat by Neo-Nazis. Manisha died, prompting an angry Ace to set fire to Gabriel Chase, an abandoned mansion said to be haunted by an ancient evil. (TVGhost Light)

In 1987, while she was in her room experimenting with the extraction of nitroglycerin from gelignite, a time storm swept her up and transported her to the deck of Sabalom Glitz' spacecraft, the Nosferatu, which was docked at Iceworld in the far future. Trapped on Iceworld, she got a job as a waitress and formed a relationship with Glitz, (TVDragonfire)

Sometime later, whilst working for Anderson in Iceworld's ice cream parlour, she met the Seventh Doctor, whom she referred to as "Professor", and his companion Melanie Bush, whom Ace nicknamed "Doughnut".

Ace's career as a waitress ended when Stellar's mother complained to Ace about lumps in her milkshake, resulting in Ace pouring the drink over her head and Ace getting fired by Anderson.

When Mel left the Doctor at the conclusion of their battle with Kane, he offered to take Ace with him in the TARDIS, and she enthusiastically accepted. (TVDragonfire)

Early travels[]

Under the Doctor's tutelage, Ace fought the Daleks and faced Davros in November 1963, destroying one Dalek with an anti-tank rocket and damaging another with a baseball bat upgraded by the Hand of Omega. During this adventure, her portable stereo was destroyed by a Dalek. She also met and came to like Mike Smith. However, she quickly hated him when she found out he was working for the Daleks. (TVRemembrance of the Daleks)

She opposed Helen A and her sadistic government, which required people to be happy on pain of death, and worked with Susan Q to undermine her rule over the colony. (TVThe Happiness Patrol) Visiting the Psychic Circus on Segonax, she helped defeat the Gods of Ragnarok (TVThe Greatest Show in the Galaxy) and stopped the Cybermen from getting hold of the Nemesis statue in 1988. During this encounter, she killed multiple Cybermen with gold coins and destroyed a Cyber-shuttle using Nitro-9. (TVSilver Nemesis)

At this stage, the relationship between the Doctor and Ace took a darker turn. At least initially, he had been trying to educate her, not merely have adventures with her. His style of teaching, however, was occasionally unorthodox. At times he lied to her or at least withheld certain truths, so she would face the demons of her past and emerge as a stronger person. (TV: Ghost Light, The Curse of Fenric)

She later met Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, helping UNIT defeat the Destroyer and Morgain in Carbury 1997. (TVBattlefield)

The Doctor forced Ace to face demons from her past, taking her to Gabriel Chase, arriving a century before she had burnt it down. There, she discovered that the presence in the house of the entity known as Light was what she had felt when compelled to burn the house down. (TVGhost Light)

While visiting Maiden's Point in 1943, Ace learned that her arrival on Iceworld was not an accident, but part of a larger scheme conceived by one of the Doctor's greatest enemies, a cosmic evil known as Fenric. Ace was a Wolf of Fenric, one of many descendants of a Viking tainted with Fenric's genetic instructions to free it from its ancient prison. Fenric had transported her to Iceworld by time storm and had made her a pawn in the complex game between it and the Doctor. The Doctor appeared to have been aware of this from their first meeting, although Ace was not. After Fenric was defeated, Ace continued to journey with the Doctor. (TVThe Curse of Fenric)

Ace returned to Perivale where she found that most of her old friends had gone missing. She thought they had moved on, but they had been taken to the Cheetah World as prey for the Cheetah PeopleThe Master, an old enemy of the Doctor, was using them to get off the planet. Ace returned with two of her friends and went off to travel with the Doctor again. (TVSurvival)

After arriving in Ancient Egypt, 40 BC, Ace was shocked when there was a sudden flash and the Seventh Doctor was replaced by his Eighth incarnation. Ace initially didn't trust the Eighth Doctor, but explored the local area with him in order to find some answers. Soon, the Daleks arrived and attempted to invade Earth; starting with conquering Egypt. Ace led a resistance group against the Daleks and battled several of them. She eventually aided the Doctor in wiping out the entire Dalek fleet.

The Doctor was soon contacted by his Fourth incarnation, who revealed that the Master was the one meddling with his timeline. After the Fourth Doctor unfroze the Doctor's TARDISes, Ace and the Eighth Doctor took the Seventh Doctor's TARDIS to a planet, where she reunited with the Seventh Doctor and met five of his other incarnations. The Master suddenly arrived and attempted to throw the remaining Doctors into the pocket universe, but the Seventh Doctor, along with his other incarnations, combined the forces of their minds and threw the Master into the temporal pocket instead, which also freed the First and Second Doctors. After saying goodbye, Ace departed with the Seventh Doctor in his own TARDIS. (TVThe Eight Doctors)

Final adventures with the Doctor[]

The Doctor and Ace went undercover on board the Space Vessel Vancouver with Ace posing as the captain. However, she aroused suspicion from Yanikov, and had the Doctor whisper advice in her ear. When the Vancouver was invaded by Metatraxi who wished to steal the grain, Ace managed to use her newly learned leadership skills to help the crew fight the Metatraxi; eventually driving them back to where they came from. (TV: Earth Aid)

Joining the Time Lord Academy[]

As it turned out, the Doctor had been trying to shape her mind to the point that she would be able to attend the Time Lord Academy. His manipulation of her was ultimately for the benefit of Time Lord observers who were assessing her potential. Ace was unknowingly put on this test in London in 1967. This test involved the Ice Lord Hhessh and his quest to resurrect the legendary Martian Warlord Sezhyr. During this, she befriended Sam Cunningham and Sharon Graves, who were aiding Hhessh in his quest. Sharon was also pregnant with Sam's child. After telling Sam this and being taken on board the Ice Warrior's ship and helping to deliver Sharon's baby as she was being possessed by Sezhyr, Ace was left behind by the Doctor and Sam.

Ace later escaped and found out about the test from a Time Lord named Vitali. This broke her trust in the Doctor, and after watching Hhessh die, she engaged Seyzhr in a swordfight and won, while also freeing Sharon in the process. 

Ace passed the test and was taken to Gallifrey, where the Doctor later arrived to make his goodbyes, he also apologised for not telling Ace about the test and the two parted on mediocre terms. (TVThin Ice)

As the Freedom Queen[]

Ace spent some time at the Academy before being kicked out. She soon got board and stole a TARDIS, but it was soon shot down and crash landed on the planet Yardley 68. Ace soon took on the title of the Freedom Queen, and turned the planet into a freedom camp. (TV: The Freedom Queen)

Sometime later, Ace met the Tenth Doctor, who had been taken prisoner. Ace had no memory of the Doctor and ordered him to be locked up. She went to her office to read reports on strange power outages, but was soon confronted by the Doctor, who proceeded to restore her memory via telepathy. She later discovered that advanced Six Claw had infiltrated the camp in order to lower the shields so that the Six Claws could invade. Ace battled the Six Claws when they invaded the planet. Ace saw the inside of the TARDIS and was asked by the Doctor if she'd like to be taken back to Perivale, but Ace declined; explaining that she now had a purpose in life and wished to stay. (TV: The Freedom Queen)

When an earthquake suddenly occurred, Ace went outside, and was horrified to discover nearly a hundred planets floating in the sky. Ace battled the invading Daleks. Ace cheered in triumph when Yardley 68 was returned to its proper place. (TV: Time's Collapse)

Years later, Ace met the Fifteenth Doctor after the TARDIS crash landed, she then helped to repair the TARDIS console. Ace later joined the Doctor and co in infiltrating Gallifrey and defeating the Master. Afterwards, Ace was returned to Yardley 68, where she said goodbye to the Doctor. (TV: The Saviour of Gallifrey)


As he regenerated, the Seventh Doctor imagined Ace calling his name. (TV: Alixion)


Ace covered her fears and insecurities with a tough, streetwise exterior. Her weapon of choice, disapproved of by the Doctor (who nonetheless found it useful on occasion), was a powerful explosive she called "Nitro-9", which she mixed up in canisters and carried in her backpack. She also wielded a baseball bat.

She was convinced the Doctor needed her to watch his back and was fiercely loyal to him. (TVThe Curse of Fenric) In turn, the Doctor took a special interest in Ace's education, taking her across the universe and prompting her to come to her own conclusions rather than giving her all the answers. (TVGhost Light)

Even though Ace matured greatly over her time with the Doctor, she always remained headstrong and on many occasions tended to charge into situations without completely thinking. As a result of this, in times of severe emotional pain, she was always likely to act rashly and occasionally blamed the Doctor for his regularly manipulative ways and means. (TVSurvival)

The Doctor expressed a belief that she would either become a renegade Time Lord or Lord President of the High Council. (TVThe Eight Doctors)

Ace gave Mel the nickname "Donut". (TVDragonfire)

Physical Appearance[]

Ace appeared as a short, sixteen year old girl. (TV: Dragonfire)

Hair and Grooming[]

Ace had long light-brown hair that she tied back into a ponytail. (TV: Dragonfire)


Ace typically wore a white shirt with black stripes, underneath a black buttoned-up bomber jacket decorated with various pins and badges, with the word ACE printed on the back in bright red letters, she also wore black jeans and black shoes. (TV: Dragonfire)

During her time at Maiden's Point, Ace wore a light-grey, short-sleeved dress, with a white cravat and black heels, she also wore a red hairnet. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

While at Gabrial's Chase, Ace initially wore a white buttoned-up shirt with a white cravat underneath a black waistcoat and black jacket, along with matching coloured trousers and shoes. She later wore a white Victorian dress with a blue pattern at the V-neck. (TV: Ghost Light)

While serving as the captain of the Space Vessel Vancouver, Ace wore a black jumpsuit. (TV: Earth Aid)

After being accepted into the Time Lord Academy, Ace wore traditional Time Lord robes and placed a few of her badges on the headwear. (TV: Thin Ice)

Other Information[]

To be added.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • According to Rona Munro, the writer of Survival, there was to be a lesbian subtext to the relationship between Ace and Karra. This raises the possibility of Ace being the first LGBT companion on screen. (DOCCat-Flap)

List of Appearances[]

Doctor Who[]

Season 24[]

  • Dragonfire

Season 25[]

  • Remembrance of the Daleks
  • The Happiness Patrol
  • Silver Nemesis
  • The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

Season 26[]

  • Battlefield
  • Ghost Light
  • The Curse of Fenric
  • Survival

Season 27[]

30th Anniversary Special[]

Season 39[]

Season 40[]

Season 55[]
