Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Blood Heat was the fourth serial of Season 30 of Doctor Who. It was written by Jim Mortimore, directed by Chris Clough and starred Richard Griffiths as the Eighth Doctor, Julia Ormond as Raine Cunningham & Lisa Bowerman as Bernice Summerfield.

It was the final regular appearance of Julia Ormond as Raine Cunningham.


Trying to get Raine home, The TARDIS is attacked by an alien force; Bernice is flung into the Vortex; and the Doctor and Raine crash-land on Earth.

An attack by dinosaurs convinces the Doctor that he and Raine have arrived in the Jurassic Era. But when they find a woman being hunted by intelligent reptiles, he begins to suspect that something is very wrong.

Then they meet the embittered Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, leading the remnants of UNIT in a hopeless fight against the Silurians who rule his world. And they find out that it all began when the Doctor died...


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Aquatic vessels[]

  • The HMS Revenge carries nuclear missiles.


  • Morka injects Bernice Summerfield with a virus which cures the race memory malaise.
  • The Silurian virus is known as "the Nightmare".

The Doctor[]

  • The Doctor has two more ribs than a human.
  • Morka killed the alternative Third Doctor.
  • The Doctor performs a time ram to destroy this universe to save his own.


  • Jo Grant was sent to retrieve the launch codes the Brigadier planned to use. She goes insane from radiation exposure and race memory malaise.
  • Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart injects a stimulant into Jo Grant to get information from her. It kills her.
  • Liz Shaw married a man named James Lester. He hit his head looking for food and died.
  • Rod was part of the group getting supplies.
  • Harry Sullivan serves as the HMS Revenge's surgeon.


  • Ophidian is a Silurian city on Earth.
  • Sam Meredith works with UNIT.
  • The Doctor notices that Zanzibar is almost totally submerged.


  • The dilophosaurus is a type of theropod dinosaur.
  • The Doctor refers to Silurians as psionosauropodomorpha.
  • Raine adopts a compsognathus as a mascot.
  • An edmontonia knocks the TARDIS into a tar pit.
  • The Doctor, Raine and Jo ride ornithomimuses into a herd of seismosauruses.
  • The large theropod dinosaur baryonyx is shown to hunt the human survivors horses.
  • A pack of raptors attack Mamisha's house.
  • A large species of pterodactyl are used by the Silurians as mounts.
  • Sea Devils use kronosauruses and plesiosauruses to attack the submarine, The HMS Revenger.
  • Silurains are revealed to use mammoths for food and presumably milk and wool.
  • Silurians use herrerasauruses as hunting beasts.
  • Other dinosaurs are featured including tyrannosaurus rex, triceratops, brontosaurus, hadrosaurus, stegosaurus, camarasaurus, deinonychus, diplodocus, and archaeopteryx.


  • The TARDIS falls through a puncture in the Time Vortex.


  • Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart launches a nuclear warhead at the Silurian capital city in Africa.

Food and beverages[]

  • The Doctor produces from his pockets two rounds of hot bacon sandwiches, a Mars bar, and a litre carton of fresh chilled orange juice.


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Home video and audio releases[]


  • This story was first released on VHS.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 30 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Thirtieth Season in 2001.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 30 were upscaled in 1080i50 high definition and were released as Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 30 in the UK.