Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Bloodtide was the seventh serial of Season 43 of Doctor Who. It was written by Jonathan Morris, directed by Alice Troughton and starred Liam Cunningham as the Eleventh Doctor & Sheridan Smith as Sally Ryder.


The prehistoric Earth is dying. Thunderclouds roll across the skies, cloaking the land in darkness. The seas crash and boil as the rain turns to acid. The remnants of the Silurian race place themselves in suspended animation, deep below the surface.

One day they will awaken and reclaim their world...

The TARDIS has landed on the Galápagos Islands, a desolate outcrop of rocks shrouded in mist and fear.

In the settlement of Baquerizo Moreno, there are rumours that prisoners have been mysteriously disappearing from the gaolhouse. A fisherman has been driven insane by something he saw in the caves. And the Doctor and Sally are not the only new arrivals; there is also a young natural philosopher by the name of Charles Darwin...


To be added.


  • The Doctor - Liam Cunningham
  • Sally Ryder - Sheridan Smith
  • Charles Darwin - To be added.
  • Captain Fitzroy - To be added.
  • Tulok - To be added.
  • Governor Lawson - To be added.
  • Sh'vak - To be added.
  • Greta Rodrigues - Jane Goddard
  • Emilio - To be added.
  • Lokan - To be added.
  • The Myrka - To be added.


To be added.



  • The Doctor goes by the pseudonym "Albert Einstein".
  • The Doctor meets a young Charles Darwin, who he prompts into developing his theory of evolution.
  • The Doctor tells Darwin to keep an eye out for "a chap called Alfred Wallace", suggesting that he could go and give Wallace some moral support.


  • The Doctor reads from a book by Herman Melville, declaring Melville to be his favourite author.


  • The Doctor and Sally meet Darwin while he is on the HMS Beagle.

Theories and concepts[]

  • Monkton's Theorem states that no intelligent species is likely to leave behind fossils.


To be added.


  • The Silurians appear. (TV: Doctor Who and the Silurians, et al.)
  • The Myrka previously appeared in TV: Warriors of the Deep. The Doctor describes this one as being an 'adult', perhaps implying that the one encountered in Warriors of the Deep was young and not fully grown.
  • The Third Doctor previously claimed to have met Darwin. (PROSE: Island of Death)

Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 43 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Third Season in 2007.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 43 were later released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Third Season on Blu-ray.