Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Brave New Town was the fourth serial of Season 45 of Doctor Who. It was written by Jonathan Clements, directed by Adam Smith and starred Robert Carlyle as the Twelfth Doctor & Sheridan Smith as Sally Ryder.


The inhabitants of the quiet seaside town of Thorington in Suffolk are living the same day over and over again. What's so special about the 1st of September 1991? Why haven't the villagers noticed that the same song has been number one for years? And just where on Earth has the sea disappeared to? The Doctor and Sally must solve the mystery before the 'visitors' return...


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  • Lucie was born on 31 July 1984.


  • Uzbekistan is located in Central Asia.
    • Its capital in 2008 is Tashkent.
    • Uzbek and Russian are spoken there.
    • It gained its independence from the Soviet Union on 1 September 1991.
  • The Aral Sea is located, at least partially, in Uzbekistan.
    • Thorington was originally located on an island in the Aral Sea, however with the Aral Sea dried up, it was no longer an island.
    • The sea dried up after water was taken for cotton fields, rice plots, swimming pools, among others.


To be added.


  • The Doctor mentions the Auton meteorites that fell to Earth in the 1970s. (TV: Spearhead from Space)

Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 45 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Fifth Season in 2009.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 45 were later released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Fifth Season on Blu-ray in 2009.