The Daleks were a warrior race made up of genetically engineered mutants belonging to fundamental DNA type 467-989 who were originally from the planet Skaro. The mutants were usually encased inside armor consisting of polycarbide and the metal Dalekanium.
Characteristics []
To be added.
The Doctor and the Daleks[]
To be added.
History of the Dalek Empire[]
To be added.
Notable Daleks []
To be added.
Death to the Daleks; Dalek! - present
Remembrance of the Daleks - The Apocalypse Element
List of Appearances[]
Doctor Who[]
Season 1[]
The Daleks
Season 2[]
- The Dalek Invasion of Earth
- The Space Museum
- The Chase
Season 3[]
- Mission to the Unknown
- The Daleks' Master Plan
Season 4[]
- The Power of the Daleks
- The Evil of the Daleks
Season 6[]
- The War Games
Season 9[]
- Day of the Daleks
Season 10[]
- Frontier in Space
- Planet of the Daleks
Season 11[]
- Death to the Daleks
Season 12[]
- Genesis of the Daleks
Season 17[]
- Destiny of the Daleks
20th Anniversary Special[]
- The Five Doctors
Season 21[]
- Resurrection of the Daleks
Season 22[]
- Revelation of the Daleks
Season 25[]
- Remembrance of the Daleks