Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki
Incarnations of The Doctor
First Doctor; Second Doctor; Third Doctor; Fourth Doctor; Fifth Doctor; Sixth Doctor; Seventh Doctor; Eighth Doctor; Ninth Doctor; Tenth Doctor; Eleventh Doctor; Twelfth Doctor; Thirteenth Doctor; Fourteenth Doctor; Fifteenth Doctor; Sixteenth Doctor

Emerging from the Eternity War as whom he believed was its sole survivor, the Eleventh Doctor spent much of his life grieving over the immense suffering he had witnessed and the destruction he had caused with his actions. He struggled with the idea that he was the last of the Time Lords, having left the conflict with the excruciating knowledge of his hand in its apparent grisly conclusion and he would react strongly if pushed on the matter.

Now cut off from the Time Lord race, the Doctor found himself feeling alone and bereaved. Emotionally haunted by the war, he entered a darker period of his life spattered by resentment, where he tended to brood and act rudely to those who rubbed him the wrong way. Despite this, he remained jovial and friendly towards anyone he took a liking to, slowly reasserting himself as a person of good again.


To be added.


To be added.

Physical Appearance[]

Hair and Grooming[]

To be added.


To be added.

Other Information[]

To be added.

Behind the Scenes[]

To be added.

List of Appearances[]

Doctor Who[]

40th Anniversary Special[]

  • The Day of Vengeance

Season 41[]

Season 42[]

Season 43[]

50th Anniversary Special[]
