Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Exonine was the fifth serial of Series 2 of United Nations. It was written by Joseph Lidster, directed by Joss Agnew and starred Penelope Wilton as Amanda Powell, Dervla Kirwan as Rani & David Tennant as Jonathan McCrimmon.


The prime minister is dead, along with his closest collegues & politicians. With London in panic, political figure Richard Davis is rushed in as the new prime minister, whose first task is to replace UNIT with a new private military group named Exonine

Suspicious of this Exonine, the remaining UNIT team begin to investigate into Exonine, and they soon make a shocking discovery involving alien intervention from within Downing Street itself


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Memorable Quotes[]

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Story Notes[]

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Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Series 2 were included in United Nations: The Complete Second Series box set, released in 2009
  • This story along with the other stories in Series 2 were later released as United Nations: The Complete Second Series on Blu-ray in 2009.