Fallen Angels was the ninth serial of Season 52 of Doctor Who. It was written by Phil Mulryne, directed by Wayne Yip and starred Damien Molony as the Fourteenth Doctor & Joana Borja as Felicity Wilson.
2015: When sightseers Joel and Gabby Finch encounter a strange man in the Sistine Chapel, their honeymoon suddenly takes a terrifying turn.
1511: Michelangelo is commissioned to create some very special sculptures by a mysterious sect. But as he carves, angels seem to emerge fully-formed from the rock. Almost as if they are alive...
From Michelangelo's workshop to the catacombs of Rome, the Doctor & Felicity must keep their wits about and their eyes wide open as they confront the Weeping Angels.
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- The Doctor - Damien Molony
- Felicity Wilson - Joana Borja
- Joel Finch - Sacha Dhawan
- Gabby Finch - Diane Morgan
- Michelangelo - Matthew Kelly
- Piero - Joe Jameson
- Priest - Dan Starkey
- Jacopo - Barnaby Edwards
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Memorable Quotes[]
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- The Doctor mentions that Raphael and Caravaggio had also vanished from history.
- Joel is from Hemel Hempstead.
- Michelangelo finished the first half of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in 1509 and the second half in 1512.
- The Doctor quotes the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.
- Joel says that he accidentally invented the sandwich; the Doctor says that's impossible because it was him who created the sandwich.
Cultural references[]
- Gabby sarcastically tells Joel that she did not google Rome's best prisons.
- Joel says, "Hello, Indiana Jones" when the Doctor pushes the heads of the three angel statues simultaneously to enter the catacomb.
- Joel says that remaining in 1511 is not exactly a "Wizard of Oz ending".
- The Doctor considers the Weeping Angels to be the most humane psychopaths in the universe.
Story Notes[]
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- Joel and Gabby being history and physics teachers, respectively, mirrors Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright's professions of science and history teachers at Coal Hill School in 1963. (TV: An Unearthly Child)
- The Doctor tells Gabby that the works of Michelangelo, Raphael and Caravaggio are fixed points in time. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii)
- While praising various Renaissance artists, the Doctor mentions Leonardo da Vinci, and how accommodating he was about the multiple Mona Lisas. (TV: City of Death)
- The Doctor tells Joel and Gabby that the Weeping Angels are known as the Lonely Assassins. (TV: Blink)
- The Doctor recalls how unamusing it is to be caught in a tunnel with a Minotaur. (TV: The Time Monster)
- The Doctor says, "When I say 'run,' we run." (TV: The Power of the Daleks, et. al)
Home video releases[]
- This story along with the other stories in Season 52 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Fifty-Second Season in 2016.
- This story along with the other stories in Season 52 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Fifty-Second Season on Blu-ray in 2016.