Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Fallen Angels was the ninth serial of Season 52 of Doctor Who. It was written by Phil Mulryne, directed by Wayne Yip and starred Damien Molony as the Fourteenth Doctor & Joana Borja as Felicity Wilson.


2015: When sightseers Joel and Gabby Finch encounter a strange man in the Sistine Chapel, their honeymoon suddenly takes a terrifying turn.

1511: Michelangelo is commissioned to create some very special sculptures by a mysterious sect. But as he carves, angels seem to emerge fully-formed from the rock. Almost as if they are alive...

From Michelangelo's workshop to the catacombs of Rome, the Doctor & Felicity must keep their wits about and their eyes wide open as they confront the Weeping Angels.


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Memorable Quotes[]

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  • The Doctor mentions that Raphael and Caravaggio had also vanished from history.
  • Joel is from Hemel Hempstead.
  • Michelangelo finished the first half of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in 1509 and the second half in 1512.


  • The Doctor quotes the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.


  • Joel says that he accidentally invented the sandwich; the Doctor says that's impossible because it was him who created the sandwich.

Cultural references[]

  • Gabby sarcastically tells Joel that she did not google Rome's best prisons.
  • Joel says, "Hello, Indiana Jones" when the Doctor pushes the heads of the three angel statues simultaneously to enter the catacomb.
  • Joel says that remaining in 1511 is not exactly a "Wizard of Oz ending".


  • The Doctor considers the Weeping Angels to be the most humane psychopaths in the universe.

Story Notes[]

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  • Joel and Gabby being history and physics teachers, respectively, mirrors Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright's professions of science and history teachers at Coal Hill School in 1963. (TV: An Unearthly Child)
  • The Doctor tells Gabby that the works of Michelangelo, Raphael and Caravaggio are fixed points in time. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii)
  • While praising various Renaissance artists, the Doctor mentions Leonardo da Vinci, and how accommodating he was about the multiple Mona Lisas. (TV: City of Death)
  • The Doctor tells Joel and Gabby that the Weeping Angels are known as the Lonely Assassins. (TV: Blink)
  • The Doctor recalls how unamusing it is to be caught in a tunnel with a Minotaur. (TV: The Time Monster)
  • The Doctor says, "When I say 'run,' we run." (TV: The Power of the Daleks, et. al)

Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 52 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Fifty-Second Season in 2016.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 52 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Fifty-Second Season on Blu-ray in 2016.