Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Flatline was the sixth serial of Season 51 of Doctor Who. It was written by Jamie Mathieson, directed by Justin Molotnikov and starred Damien Molony as the Fourteenth Doctor & Kate Bracken as Heather McKenzie.


Separated from the Doctor, Heather discovers a new menace from another dimension.

But how do you hide when even the walls are no protection? With people to save and the Doctor trapped, Heather comes up against an enemy that exists beyond human perception.


To be added.



To be added.

Memorable Quotes[]

To be added.



  • The Doctor names the device he creates 2Dis.

Culture from the real world[]

  • Heather suggests mimicking a hand motion as performed by the disembodied hand character Thing from The Addams Family to enable the Doctor to move the shrunken TARDIS out of the path of an approaching train.

The Doctor's TARDIS[]

  • The Doctor puts the TARDIS in siege mode.
  • When the TARDIS is in siege mode, Gallifreyan writing is visible on the exterior.


  • Fenton is not tricked by the psychic paper; the Doctor suggests this is due to a lack of imagination.
  • Forrest was investigating the disappearance of Mr Heath.


  • Heather pretends to be from MI5 and Health and Safety.


  • The Doctor knows a race made of sentient gas who throw fireballs as a friendly wave and a race with sixty-four stomachs who greet each other by disembowelling.

Story Notes[]

  • To be added.


  • The TARDIS exterior has shrunk on several occasions; It was made smaller upon materialisation when the TARDIS doors opened during flight, (TV: Planet of Giants) miniaturised when it materialised in a miniscope, (TV: Carnival of Monsters) and was reduced in size after the Master interfered with the Logopolitan's Block Transfer Computation on Logopolis when the Fourth Doctor was fixing the chameleon circuit, (TV: Logopolis)
  • The Isolus were able to transfer the two dimensional into the three dimensional, and vice versa. (TV: Fear Her)
  • When the Doctor is ruling out possibilities of moving the TARDIS out of the way from the train, he mentions the Heart of the TARDIS. (TV: Arc of Infinity)

Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 51 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Fifty-First Season in 2015.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 51 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Fifty-First Season on Blu-ray in 2015.