Humans were a species of sentient primates.
Earthbound or Earth-identifying humans went by many names over Earth's long history. For a time, they were commonly called Tellurians or Terrans — both derived from alternate names for Earth. (TV: Carnival of Monsters, The Two Doctors) Earthling was also sometimes used, such as by the Fifth Doctor (TV: Four to Doomsday)
Nevertheless, the Doctor had a special affinity or "soft spot" for the species, The overwhelming number of their travelling companions were human. They also admitted in a Gallifreyan high court that they had a special affinity for Earth and its inhabitants, thereby determining the location of his Time Lord-imposed exile. (TV: The War Games) Moreover, they would wax lyrical about the intrinsic spirit of humanity, revelling in their innate desire to explore, their "indomitability". (TV: The Ark in Space)
Traits and abilities[]
Individual humans displayed psychic powers such as psychometry, telepathy, empathy, or time-sensitivity. (TV: Planet of the Spiders, Image of the Fendahl)
Humans had little in the way of telepathic emissions, and were difficult to track telepathically. (TV: Blood Heat)
Unusual traits of Humanity[]
The human brain was the only source of a chemical that allowed restfullness. (TV: The Mark of the Rani)
Perceptions by other species[]
The Silurians thought of humans as primitive apes, though some were more open-minded and willing to at least consider the idea of co-existing with them. (TV: Doctor Who and the Silurians et al.)
The War Lords considered humans the most aggressive and war-like species in all of Mutter's Spiraland hoped to use them to conquer the galaxy. (TV: The War Games)
The Doctor and humans[]
The Seventh Doctor noted humanity to have "the most amazing capacity for self-deception, matched by only its ingenuity when trying to destroy itself." (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)
While the Master tried to convince the Sea Devils that mankind was weak, in an attempt to make peace with the Sea Devils, the Third Doctor disagreed, saying that "Man is not weak. He is only too proficient at devising weapons of annihilation, and using them." (TV: The Sea Devils)
The Fourth Doctor praised the species for their "indomitable" spirit, having "survived flood, famine... plague... cosmic wars and holocausts". (TV: The Ark in Space) Whether by accident or intent, most of the Doctor's many companions were human, specifically humans from Earth. (TV: An Unearthly Child, The Rescue, The Chase, The Myth Makers, The Daleks' Master Plan, The Massacre, et al.)
History of Human evolution[]
The posthuman era began with the loss of Earth. One account similarly showed that the Sun swallowed Earth about ten million years after the 1st Segment of Time. (TV: The Ark)
Direct human survivors of Earth's destruction included the Guardians, who took a 700 years voyage on the Ark to Refusis II; (TV: The Ark) Revere's ship of refugees, thought by the Fifth Doctor to be one of the last surviving groups of Mankind, who colonised Frontios; (TV: Frontios)