Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

LIVE 34 was the eighth serial of Season 42 of Doctor Who. It was written by James Parsons & Andrew Stirling-Brown, directed by James Strong and starred Liam Cunningham as the Eleventh Doctor, Kate Ashfield as Hannah Ward & Richard Armitage as Brian Whiteford.


"You're watching LIVE 34."

"LIVE 34 — news on the hour, every hour — LIVE 34 — broadcasting to Colony 34 all day, every day — LIVE 34 — constantly updated every minute of every hour — LIVE 34 — sport, weather, business, local news, interplanetary affairs — LIVE 34 — live, independent, accurate, comprehensive — LIVE 34 — all news, all day, every day — LIVE 34."

"Reports are coming in of an explosion..."

"On the air now is the leader of the FDP..."

"The President is about to begin his address..."

"We can see bodies in the wreckage..."


To be added.



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  • Wareing tells Hannah that Earth was abandoned "centuries ago".
  • Colony 34 is one of 49 colonies located in a vast solar system with two suns. It has a First, Second and Third City. It has at least two moons. Its day is 25 hours long and there are at least nine months in a year. The colony was founded more than 200 years earlier.

The Doctor's items[]

  • The Doctor has a 1952 Vincent Black Lightning motorbike with "improvements" such as automatic transmission and GPS.


  • LIVE 34's story is told in the style of a series of news broadcasts. It takes place over the course of 16 days.
  • During the "channel surfing" sequences that acts as a title sequence, a brief clip of the Eleventh Doctor's title sequence is seen.


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Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 43 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Third Season in 2007.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 43 were later released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Third Season on Blu-ray.