Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Metatraxi were an insectoid species.



Metatraxi had jet-black carapaces which were beetle-like. Their claws were large and similar to those of lobsters. (TVEarth Aid)


The Metatraxi were unusual among warrior races in that they would only attack if attacked first and would continually taunt their oponents until they were provoked into using a weapon. (TVEarth Aid)

Metatraxi killed by strangling their opponents with their claws. (TVEarth Aid)

Metatraxi had very stereotypical views of women; believing them to be weak and incapable of battling. They considered it an insult if a woman challenged them to battle and would flee. (TVEarth Aid)


The Metatraxi learned that the Space Vessel Vancouver contained a large amount of grain, so decided to steal it for themselves. They enlisted the help of Victor Espinosa, an aid worker who agreed to help them in order to save his own skin. Some of the Metatraxi hid in the grain silo while a few others surrounded the Vancouver in their battle ships. The Metatraxi were eventually defeated by the Seventh Doctor, Ace and the rest of the crew. (TVEarth Aid)
