Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Night of the Daleks was the tenth serial of Season 38 of Doctor Who. It was written by Russell T Davies, directed by Graeme Harper and starred Aidan Gillen as the Tenth Doctor & Helen Baxendale as Jean Robinson.


Separated and with no TARDIS, the Doctor & Jean have to fight for their lives on board the Game Station, but a far more dangerous threat is lurking, just out of sight. The Doctor realises that the entire human race has been blinded to the threat on its doorstep, and Armageddon is fast approaching.

With the destruction of the human race approaching, the Doctor will be forced to make a choice - a choice that will have devastating consequences, and only Jean Robinson can save him, even if it costs her her own life...


To be added.


  • The Doctor - Aidan Gillen
  • Jean Robinson - Helen Baxendale
  • Lynda - To be added.
  • Strood - To be added.
  • Crosbie - To be added.
  • Voice of Davinadroid - To be added.
  • Rodrick - To be added.
  • Floor Manager - To be added.
  • Voice of Anne Droid - To be added.
  • Male Programmer - To be added.
  • Female Programmer - To be added.
  • Major General Winifred Bambera - Angela Bruce
  • Agorax - To be added.
  • Fitch - To be added.
  • Colleen - To be added.
  • Broff - To be added.
  • Controller - To be added.
  • Security Guard - To be added.
  • Androids - To be added.
  • Dalek Operators - Barnaby Edwards, Nicholas Pegg, David Hankinson
  • Daleks Voice - Nicholas Briggs

and introducing Jessie Wallace as the Bride


To be added.


  • In the Big Brother House, there is a row of pictures resembling the panels of hemispherical protrusions on Daleks.
  • Big Brother is broadcast on Channel 44000.
  • The Doctor mentions the number 500000.


  • The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to get out of the Big Brother section of the Gamestation.
  • The guns of the Game Station have bastic bullets.
  • A delta wave fries all living brains.
  • The Heart of the TARDIS can be absorbed by living beings, but prolonged exposure will burn up the cells in their body as the energies of time vortex deteriorate them.
  • An Assault Dalek uses a blowtorch instead of a manipulator arm to cut through a door comprised of Hydra Combination.


  • Floor 1000 is the location of the control room.
  • The Diary Room is part of the Big Brother house.
  • The Great Cobalt Pyramid is built on the remains of The Pyramid.
  • The Grand Central Ravine is named after the city of Sheffield.
  • Polar Ventura is an Icelandic city which once hosted Murder Spree 20.
  • The Doctor, Jack and Lynda are told they will be taken to the Lunar Penal Colony.


  • The future Earth is bombarded by apocalyptic Dalek attacks that are strong enough to badly warp and disfigure the shapes of its continents.


  • San Chen discovered the 15-10 Barric Fields.
  • Hoshbin Frane was the President of the Red Velvets.
  • The Doctor states that, in the ancient legends of the Dalek home-world, he was known as the Oncoming Storm.

The Doctor[]

  • After he sends Jean away in the TARDIS, a hologram of the Doctor that was pre-recorded is played.


  • Jackie Collins wrote Lucky.


  • Androids are used in several programmes broadcast from the Game Station.
  • In the Pan Traffic calendar, the month of Pandoff comes after Hoob.
  • In the holovid series Jupiter Rising, the Graxnix is married to Lord Dreyvole.
  • Rodrick wants to keep Rose in the game because he thinks she's stupid for not knowing the surname of Princess Vossaheen.
  • San Hazeldine is the incorrect answer given to one of the game questions.


  • The Doctor is arrested under Private Legislation 16 of the Game Station Syndicate.


  • Default was the name of the payment given to Martian drones.


  • The dust left behind as a result of the transmat may be zanium.


  • Red blood cells contain iron, while white blood cells do not.

Foods and beverages[]

  • Gaffabeque was a food that originated on the planet Lucifer.


To be added.


  • The Doctor recalls last being in St. Lambert's Hospital in the 65th Century. (TV: The Hemlock Curse)
  • When the Doctor, Jack and Lynda were caught by security, it is said that they are to be sent to the Lunar Penal Colony without trial. The Doctor's third incarnation had previously been detained in a lunar prison when he was believed to be a spy working for the Draconians. (TV: Frontier in Space)
  • When thousands of Daleks are shouting, "Exterminate", in their ship, a small control panel similar to one from the Dalek time machine in TV: The Chase can be seen.
  • A transmat beam has previously been seen to leave behind a dusty residue, as it does here. (TV: The Twin Dilemma)
  • The Daleks were previously masked from sight. (TV: Planet of the Daleks)
  • The Doctor also met a giant Dalek Emperor and some black-domed Dalek Guards while in his second incarnation. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks)
  • Humans have previously been converted to Daleks on Necros by the Daleks' creator Davros. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks)
  • One of the Daleks has a cutting tool instead of a plunger. (TV: The Daleks, Planet of the Daleks)
  • The Daleks have overcome their weakness to bastic bullets, which previously appeared in TV: Revelation of the Daleks.
  • The Daleks have previously invaded Earth. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Day of the Daleks)

Home video releases[]


  • This story was first released on VHS.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 38 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Thirty-Eighth Season in 2001.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 38 were later released as Doctor Who: The Complete Thirty-Eighth Season on Blu-ray.