Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Incarnations of Romana
Romana I; Romana II; Romana III; Romana IV; Amaron

Romanadvoratrelundar — known in short as Romana — was a Time Lord who was assigned the task to assist the Fourth Doctor in his quest for the Key to Time. She stayed with him long after that task was done and parted from him in E-Space. When she returned to N-Space, she became the Lady President of the Time Lords of Gallifrey.


Romanadvoratrelundar seemed to be a single, long name when she introduced herself to the Fourth Doctor. He quickly shortened it to "Romana", though given the choice of being called "Romana" or "Fred" she told him to call her "Fred". (TV: The Ribos Operation) The Doctor later called her "Miss Dvoratrelundar" when she was a witness during his trial before the Megara. (TV: The Stones of Blood)

Other Information[]

To be added.
