Soul Searcher was the fifth serial of Season 53 of Doctor Who. It was written by Sarah Dollard, directed by Mark Tonderai and starred Jemma Redgrave as the Fifteenth Doctor & Joana Borja as Felicity Wilson.
Soul Searcher is the most popular dating app of all time. It has helped millions of people find their loved ones around the world & has been rated the most important app of all time.
That's what the advertisements say, but the Doctor & Felicity find something sinister buried beneath this seemingly harmless app.
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To be added.
To be added.
Memorable Quotes[]
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To be added.
Story Notes[]
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To be added.
Home video releases[]
- This story along with the other stories in Season 53 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Fifty-Third Season in 2018.
- This story along with the other stories in Season 53 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Fifty-Third Season on Blu-ray in 2018.