Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

"The Doctor" was the primary alias used by a renegade Time Lord from Gallifrey who traveled through time and space with various companions in their obsolete and "borrowed" Type 40 TARDIS. He has been considered the universe's "greatest defender", having saved the cosmos countless times throughout a long life, becoming a great legend across the whole universe.

Though largely a believer in non-violent conflict resolution, they were, when absolutely necessary, a great warrior. Indeed, some civilizations in the universe translated the word doctor as warrior, whilst others saw the Doctor as a compassionate benefactor, worthy of their admiration and compassion.  

Other Information[]


The Doctor's true name remains unknown, though several accounts suggested that "Doctor Who" was a proper way to address the time traveller. (TV: The War Machines )

The title "Doctor" was not undeserved; they did hold one or more doctorates of some sort, (TV: The Armageddon Factor, The God Complex) formally studied medicine on at least 19th century Earth at Glasgow University, (TV: The Moonbase) and frequently displayed detailed medical knowledge. (TV: The Ark, Frontios, Wrong Lives, The Empty Child) At least some versions of their sonic screwdriver performed medical scans and healed minor wounds. (TV: The Empty Child[+], The Vampires of Venice) The Seventh Doctor showed knowledge on how to help someone thrown by an explosion recover quickly. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) Although their first, (TV: ""The Forest of Fear"), "Mighty Kublai Khan (6)") second, (TV: The Krotons) fourth (TV: The Ark in Space) had claimed not to be a doctor of medicine, their third, (TV: Spearhead from Space) and twelfth incarnations (TV: The Resurrected) claimed to be a doctor of practically "everything", and by their thirteenth incarnation, the Doctor claimed to hold doctorates in at least medicine and cheesemaking. (TV: The God Complex)


The Doctor's age was a matter of great confusion, as they provided many inconsistent statements. The Second Doctor once gave his age in Earth terms as 450. (TV: The Tomb of the Cybermen) On two separate occasions, the Third Doctor implied that he may have been several thousand years old. (TV: Doctor Who and the Silurians, The Mind of Evil) The Fourth Doctor, however, gave his age as "something like 750 years". (TV: Pyramids of Mars) Immediately after his sixth regeneration, the Seventh Doctor claimed to be 953. (TV: Time and the Rani)

The Thirteenth Doctor later claimed to the Ponds that he was 1,200 years old (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

Romana I once caught the Fourth Doctor "rounding down" his age, (TV: The Ribos Operation)


The First Doctor was accidentally engaged to Cameca in the 15th century. (TV: The Aztecs)


On Gallifrey[]

The Doctor belonged to the Prydonian Chapter, the most important chapter of Time Lord society. (TV: The Deadly Assassin)

Having broken the Time Lords' non-interference policy, the Second Doctor was put on trial as a renegade. (TV: The War Games) Following his defeat of Omega, which saved Gallifrey, the Doctor was granted a pardon and given his freedom. (TV: The Three Doctors) The Fourth Doctor, as part of a ploy to outwit the Decayed Master on Gallifrey, became a candidate for the position of Lord President of the Supreme Council. While he had the right to stay and keep up the title, he left after the Master's defeat. (TV: The Deadly Assassin, The Invasion of Time)

A Time Lord messenger once admitted the Time Lords were happy to allow the Doctor his freedom to travel throughout time and space, so long as they could sometimes send him to do their dirty work, much to his annoyance. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks, Attack of the Cybermen)

The Fifth Doctor was given the title of Lord President by Councillor Flavia, against his wishes. He pretended to accept the office but ran away in his TARDIS. (TV: The Five Doctors) The Sixth Doctor was later deposed in absentia and put on trial for breaking the non-interference policy and later in the same trial, for genocide. The validity of this trial was called into question when it was discovered it had been orchestrated by the Valeyard, a future manifestation of the Doctor who intended to steal the Doctor's regenerations. (TV: The Trial of a Time Lord)
