Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

The God Complex was the seventh serial of Season 47 of Doctor Who. It was written by Toby Whithouse, directed by Ashley Way and starred Peter Capaldi as the Thirteenth Doctor, Freema Agyeman as Ashley Tannen & Tom Ellis as Richard McIntyre.


The Doctor, Ashley, and Richard investigate a hotel of horror where repeat business is low but the body count is high, where a mighty monster stalks the corridors and the rooms hold visions of angels, apes, and creepy clowns. Who — or what — has brought them to this place? Can the Doctor solve the mystery before the residents check out in grisly style?


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  • The Doctor mentions Majorca.

Cultural references from the real world[]

  • One of the girls from Howie's room asks Howie, "What's 'loser' in K-K-K-Klingon?"

Foods and beverages[]

  • The Doctor eats an apple.

The Doctor[]

  • The distinct sound of the Cloister Bell can be heard in the Doctor's room.
  • The Doctor says he has doctorates in both medicine and in cheese-making.


  • The Doctor had intended to take Ashley and Richard to Ravenscala.


  • The Minotaur is a distant cousin of the Nimon.
  • A Sontaran, a Silurian, a Zygon, a Krynoid, a Carrionite, and a Judoon appear in photographs.
  • One of the photos show Lady Silver Tear's fear was Daleks.
  • The anthem of Tivoli is "Glory to <Insert Name Here>".


  • Rita is Muslim and surmises that the hotel is Jahannam.


  • As other people before her, Rita is invited to become companions by the Doctor, only to die soon after.
  • The Doctor fears that he will either get Ashley and Richard killed or have to watch them die. These themes were also touched on in The Vampires of Venice, an episode also written by Toby Whithouse.


  • This is not the first time the Doctor has deliberately caused one of his companions to lose faith in him in order to save them. The Seventh Doctor emotionally devastated Ace by labelling her, among other things, an "emotional cripple" during his battle with Fenric. This was necessary in order for her to briefly abandon her belief in him, allowing the Ancient One to defeat Fenric. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)
  • The Third Doctor had been made to view images of that which he most feared due to the Master's Keller Machine. (TV: The Mind of Evil) In that case, he saw images of many of his enemies, as well as a world consumed by fire, based on his having recently witnessed such. (TV: Inferno)
  • The Doctor refers to the minotaur as a distant cousin to the Nimons, a race he encountered in his fourth incarnation (TV: The Horns of Nimon)
  • The Second Doctor encountered a fictional Minotaur, (TV: The Mind Robber) and the Third Doctor encountered the real historical figure, which was a transformed human. (TV: The Time Monster)
  • One of the rooms contains what appears to be a cross Physical Education teacher. Richard mentions having had a sadistic PE teacher. (TV: The House of Nothing)
  • It is eventually revealed what the Doctor's room contained - The Valeyard. (TV: Dawn of the Cyberman)

Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 47 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Seventh Season in 2011.
  • This story along with the other stories in Season 47, Part 2 were released as Doctor Who: Season 47, Part 2 in 2011.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 47 were later released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Seventh Season on Blu-ray in 2011.
  • This story along with the other stories in Season 47, Part 2 were released as Doctor Who: Season 47, Part 2 on Blu-ray in 2011.