Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

The Holy Terror was the fourth serial of Season 37 of Doctor Who. It was written by Robert Shearman, directed by Richard Stroud and starred Aidan Gillen as the Tenth Doctor & Helen Baxendale as Jean Robinson.


The TARDIS lands in a forbidding castle in a time of religious upheaval. The old god has been overthrown, and all heretics are to be slaughtered. Obviously it isn't the sort of thing which would happen there every day — just every few years or so.

Soon after the Doctor and Jean are hailed as messengers from heaven, they become vital to opposing factions in their struggle for power. But will they be merely the acolytes of the new order — or will they be made gods themselves?

Evil is growing deep within the crypt. And the pair soon find out that they will be lucky to escape their new immortality with their lives.


To be added.


  • The Doctor - Aidan Gillen
  • Jean Robinson - Helen Baxendale
  • Eugene Tacitus - To be added.
  • Berengaria - To be added.
  • Childeric - To be added.
  • Captain Sejanus - To be added.
  • Livilla - To be added.
  • Pepin VII - To be added.
  • Clovis - To be added.
  • Arnulf - To be added.
  • Sculptor - To be added.
  • The Child - To be added.
  • Woman - To be added.
  • Guard - To be added.


To be added.



  • Pepin VI drowned when he fell asleep in his bathtub. He was followed by Pepin VII.


  • The dimensional stabilisers gives the TARDIS its form and supplies the interior with gravity and oxygen.


To be added.


  • The Second Doctor visited another realm populated by fictional characters, namely the Land of Fiction. (TV: The Mind Robber)

Home video releases[]


  • This story was first released on VHS.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 37 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Thirty-Seventh Season in 2001.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 37 were later released as Doctor Who: The Complete Thirty-Seventh Season on Blu-ray.