Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

The Love Invasion was the fourth serial of Season 42 of Doctor Who. It was written by Gareth Roberts & Clayton Hickman, directed by Colin Teague and starred Liam Cunningham as the Eleventh Doctor, Kate Ashfield as Hannah Ward & Richard Armitage as Brian Whiteford


The Doctor takes Hannah & Brian to Llandaff in the year 1966, where they find beautiful girls wandering the streets, doing good on behalf of a group called Lend-a-Hand. The Doctor notes the girls don't smell human. He becomes concerned when he discovers that someone is preparing to build affordable family housing on the fields where Hannah & Brian's street is supposed to be built.


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  • The Doctor lists the warriors of Sun Tzu, the Ottoman Empire and Oligocene era as sights he can take Hannah & Brian to see.
  • The Doctor eats bread, chocolate and a chicken leg to save himself after Charlotte sprays him with a poisonous concoction.
  • The Doctor tells Charlotte that some of his best friends have attempted to kill him at some point.


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  • Igrix leaves his ship on top of the Post Office Tower, which the Doctor calls "one unlucky building", harkening back to his encounter with the computer WOTAN. (TV: The War Machines)

Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 42 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Second Season in 2006.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 42 were later released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Second Season on Blu-ray.