Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

The Planet Who Loved the Doctor was the ninth serial of Season 41 of Doctor Who. It was written by Toby Whithouse, directed by Andy Goddard and starred Liam Cunningham as the Eleventh Doctor, Kate Ashfield as Hannah Ward & Richard Armitage as Brian Whiteford.


Marrlinerite - home to some of the greatest minerals in the world. One day, a mining corporation from Earth come to Marrlinerite to mine up the planet, unaware that the planet is sentient. In an escape to save itself, the soul of Marrlinerite escapes into one of the miners body & runs for it's life. She is rescued by a man named the Doctor & his 2 friends, Hannah & Brian.

With Earth's federation on their tails, the four of them are now on the run for Marrlinerite's own life. Now living on a hidden colony world, Marrlinerite, going under the name Mary, must deal with her new life & learn to live as a normal person.


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Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 41 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-First Season in 2005.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 41 were later released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-First Season on Blu-ray.