Thin Ice was the second serial of Season 27 of Doctor Who. It was written by Marc Platt, directed by Nicholas Mallett and starred Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor and Sophie Aldred as Ace.
It was the final regular appearance of Sophie Aldred as Ace.
The Doctor and Ace have arrived in London, 1967. The Government is seeking a new weapon that will give it mastery in upcoming wars.
What is the secret of the Martian relics? As the legendary War Lord Sezhyr returns to life, the Doctor is faced with some of his oldest and deadliest enemies.
The fate of Earth – and the future of Ace – are now intertwined...
Part One []
MI6 Director Northwade and Davis are performing an experiment involving a patient in a strange suit of armor with an ornate helmet. Daniel turns the power on and keeps it at 200 as as Dr.. Xander enters the room to serve as the observer of the experiment after apologizing for being late due to the traffic being atrocious on his way. Northwade tells Xander that he has already made a full report, to which Xander replies by saying that the Central Committee values his work on the coverage of the project's medical aspects, but also needs to assess the strategic potential of the artefacts as it is believed that they could be the most important discovery since the Americans' idea of the bomb.
Davis notices that the blood pressure is 140 over 90, and Northwade steps away from the bed. Xander notes that the helmet looks medieval, almost reptilian even, and Northwade even believes that it is not a human's helmet as he notices that the armor's fabric is laced with complex electronic circuitry almost like an extra nervous system. The body has reacted to the stimuloid sense. When asked about the patient, Northwade refers to him as Private Michael Turner, also known as Volunteer Number 3. He then orders Davis to raise the power to 300. When asked about the first 2 volunteers, Northwade answers that they both died.
Suddenly, the patient's heart rate increases, prompting an increase in anti-histamine input to 3.4. Yevgeni notices that the choking patient's metabolism is changing. The anti-histamine input is not working, so Northwade orders Davis to cut the helmet's power, but Davis protests this order as the test must run with conclusions, so the patient is to be kept alive. Unfortunately, the patient almost immediately flatlines due to the helmet's power being too much for the patient to handle. Northwade refuses to believe that the helmet is alive and orders the patient to be brought back, Davis refuses and states that the patient was rejected by the helmet due to not being compatible with its needs. Northwade orders the experiment to be restarted with a new subject.
The Doctor and Ace are in London, with the Doctor pointing out the frozen River Thames. Ace calls to the Doctor who asks the TARDIS why it has brought them here. Turning his attention back to his companion, the Doctor tells her that he was perusing the streets of London before complimenting her hat, to which Ace remarks that it wasn't her first choice. The Doctor says that hats like the one Ace is wearing are quite practical, especially in London during winter, reaffirming Ace's point that she was was promised London 1967 during the Summer of Love where it would have been warm instead of grey and depressing.
Sam Cunningham steps off a train at King's Cross Station, where he meets with Northwade. Northwade informs him that Sharon Graves; a fellow MI6 agent, will be escorting Sam to the Ritz Hotel.
After exchanging pleasantries, Northwade says that he will meet up with them later in the evening. After he has left, it is revealed that Sam and Sharon know each other and are lovers who haven't seen each other in a while.
The Doctor and Ace enter a cafeteria where the Doctor orders two teas, only to be disappointed that only biscuits are sold in the cafeteria. At the table, Ace notes that it's much warmer inside than it is on the streets, to which the Doctor agrees.
The duo are approached by Xander, who reveals that he already knows who they are and that he heard that they would be in London. He introduces himself to them and asks them if they should be at their hotel, to which the Doctor replies that he and Ace were taking in the sights of London. Ace notices that Xander is shaking, most likely due to the cold. The Doctor invites Xander to join them for tea and biscuits, but Xander asks if they are with Sam Cunningham who he heard would bring two experts with him, but it may be too late as he thinks that the old plan may have to be abandoned.
Graves tells Cunningham that they have 2 hours to spend together at the hotel before the reception begins, remarking that it has been 15 weeks since they were last together. Sam is assured that the man who is driving them to the hotel doesn't speak English, so they are safe as long as they talk in public due to the hotel room possibly being bugged. Sam is looking forward to sharing a bottle of vodka with Graves in the hotel room, but Graves has had to give up drinking for reasons that she will tell him about later. She then tells Sam to look his best at the reception and to talk about fur, something that Sam isn't too well-experienced in talking about. Luckily for him, Graves will serve as his translator and cover his mistakes, remembering that her grandfather used to do a bit of poaching.
Tomorrow, Sam and Graves will slip away and get busy with their own project. Sam asks if the Doctor and his companion have arrived yet, to which Graves responds in the negative, hoping that he would have known where they were. Sam believes that they will have had to have made contact at the hotel, but Graves prefers people she knows. She tells Sam that Xander will be driving as he has the codes to the vault and once he gives them the go-ahead, Sam and Graves will leave with their collected treasures. When asked he has any weapons, Sam replies that she will be surprised with the weapons he has.
Before Graves can tell Sam something very personal, Sam spots something standing on the frozen river. It appears to be a London Police Box.
In the café, Ace asks Xander if someone is following him, but the Doctor assures Xander that no one is behind him. Xander shows the Doctor and Ace what looks like a large jeweled egg known as a Fabergé, but the Doctor notices that its applique is quite different from a regular Fabergé. Ace notices that the object has diamonds embedded in it and the clusters are linked. On top of that, it also appears to have some sort of electrical properties to it, making Ace ask Xander if it's a weapon. The Doctor asks Xander if it's dangerous to walk around London with the object, to which Xander explains that the object is part of a trove of objects that MI6 has been studying for months.
Xander also explains that he is working for MI6 and he believes that it is part of what the Doctor and Ace are here to steal, so he couldn't help but take it for himself. He says that the sooner the Doctor, Ace and Cunningham get it away from them, the better. The Doctor asks what else is in the trove and what MI6 is developing, but before Xander can answer, the object suddenly becomes primed. Xander commands the Doctor to tell Cunningham that he is sorry before running out of the café with the object.
The Doctor and Ace follow Xander into an alley where he attempts to get rid of the object which is actually a sonic grenade. They cover their ears just as the grenade goes off, killing Xander after his eardrums implode. When Ace asks where the grenade came from, the Doctor tells her that it was from Mars and that something else came with it. Then someone wearing a strange helmet shows up on a motorbiketo hem them into the alley. As the Doctor tells the person about the death of Xander, Ace notices the helmet he is wearing which the Doctor explains is from Mars' third epoch.
Ace tells the person that if he wants trouble, she will be happy to oblige, but the Doctor tells her that there has been enough violence. Just then, an MI6 agent shows up and, ignoring Ace's inquiries about the dead man, orders the Doctor and Ace to come with him in the car that he arrived in.
As the sun sets, the Doctor and Ace are being driven to the Ritz Hotel. The Doctor wonders if Mars' influence is spreading to Earth, but Ace doesn't believe that it has happened as she would have seen it on the news, to which the Doctor replies that time can change its course just like a river.
As Ace rummages in her pocket for a pencil to give to the Doctor she finds a bank note for 10 pounds, which was apparently planted on her by Xander. On the back of the bank note is a sequence of figures which is assumed to be a code that was supposed to be passed onto Sam Cunningham. As they arrive at their destination. The MI6 agent tells them that the reception for visiting guests has already started and that they cannot go on any expeditions alone.
On the way into the hotel, Ace calls the MI6 agents dumbos for thinking that she and the Doctor are guests, but the Doctor thinks that they have been expected at the hotel.
Graves calls Sam over to tell him that Xander is dead after talking with his brother. She explains that Xander took an object from the London Dungeon and MI6 agents began to pursue him. Sam asks for a way out so he doesn't end up dead or working in a salt mine, but Graves tells him that MI6 likely think Xander was acting for himself and that they still need to find the Doctor and Ace, to which Sam replies that her nose pucker is right up when she's taking charge, which he really likes.
Ace is showing disapproval at the fur coats that she sees at the fashion show that she and the Doctor are watching, thinking that wearing them is not necessary. She tells the Doctor that she spotted Cunningham at least 10 minutes ago wearing a floral shirt and a velvet jacket behind a potted plant having a bit of a barney with an official woman, but the Doctor says that it's more like they're arguing in the way old friends do. The Doctor tells Ace to grab a handful of pretzels before they both make their way over to Cunningham.
Graves tells Cunningham that they both should mingle while they wait for Felnikov, but Creevy is more concerned about Yevgeni. Kerenskaya tells him that Xander's brother, Davis, will take over the driving and that he also works at the clinic, despite her telling Cunningham that only Xander has the code.
Just then, the Doctor and Ace approach the duo and introduce themselves. Ace tells Cunningham and Graves about the time they met Xander in the café before his death which Cunningham and Graves already know about. The Doctor gives Sam the 10 pound note that Xander gave them. On the back of the note is load of numbers which the Doctor believes is the code that will open a safe or vault. Cunningham tries to take the note, but the Doctor and Ace decide to hang onto it for a bit longer.
Director Northwade arrives in the hotel to find out if Graves is treating Cunningham well. The Doctor and Ace then introduce themselves to the director, who points out that he has no record. Graves talks to the director and tells him that the Doctor and Ace are guests of the government that have been overlooked before saying that they should avoid diplomatic incidents, to which the director replies that Graves should keep an eye on them.
Graves informs the Doctor that Northwade won't be pleased for long. She and Cunningham explain that their contacts told them that the Doctor and Ace would be coming before Cunningham asks about the bank note that Ace was given. The Doctor tells Ace to take Cunningham to get some salad while he talks to Graves. Once Ace and Cunningham have gone, the Doctor explains to Graves that he has arrived because of Xander's death by sonic weaponry that doesn't belong on Earth.
When asked where it came from, Graves mentions that there are a number of rumors that began after a submarine found treasures amongst the wreckage of a spaceship in the River Thames two years ago. The Doctor realizes that the treasures are actually weapons that the British government hope to acquire so they have an advantage over Russia. The weapons are being held in a vault in the London Dungeon and Cunningham has arrived to help in stealing them. The Doctor offers to help Graves due to having the codes for the vault and says that Ace will get into the vault.
Suddenly, the Doctor hears someone calling to him mentally. After convincing Graves to accept his deal of ten rubles, the Doctor begins to make contact with one of his fellow Time Lords to see if he and his fellow Adjudicators have reached a decision.
Cunningham is getting to know Ace better by asking her about her name and saying that she's been watching too many Bond films. Ace asks if they have gotten as far as Roger Moore, which confuses Cunningham who says that Roger is a saint. He then asks Ace about the Doctor, to which Ace replies that he is the brains, but she runs the defense side. She then explains that it takes 8 ounces of nitro-9 to blow up the hinges on a three-foot thick tungsten door, which impresses Cunningham. Ace refuses to give Cunningham the vault numbers until the Doctor allows him to have them. Just then, Cunningham receives an alert and leaves.
The Time Lord informs the Doctor that his application to the Academy has been considered despite their suspicions about Ace not being from Gallifrey. She must undergo a series of tests, which the Doctor explains is why they are in London and have not been arrested. The Doctor thinks that Ace's assessment beginning is unfair as he doesn't believe that she is ready, but the Time Lord reminds him that he was the one who set up the first task of recovering the lost artefacts. Ace must now act on her own before she can join the academy. As the Time Lord disappears, the Doctor protests that he doesn't want Ace to get hurt.
Sam Cunningham returns to his room where he finds a creature named Lord Hhessh standing by the window due to the room's temperature. Cunningham orders him to move away from the window before he is spotted by the other humans. As Hhessh protests that he needs air, Cunningham tells him that he cannot turn the central heating off and that he was defrosted early. Hhessh is informed that his mission to return the lost relics of Sezhyr to his followers will be tomorrow, but he has to stay in the room for one more night. When they hear a knock at the door, Cunningham tells Hhessh to hide in the bathroom.
Ace enters the bedroom and is subdued by Cunningham who demands to know what she is doing. Ace explains that she had to know what Sam is really up to. Hhessh is angered at Ace entering the room and finding out that there is a Martian in the hotel. He orders Cunningham to stand aside so that he can kill Ace.
Part Two[]
Sam stops Hhessh from killing Ace, but Hhessh insists she must be silenced. Ace inadvertently reveals that there are others who know about the mission, angering Hhessh, who demands to know how many more know. Ace reveals that the Doctor knows and claims that he sent her up to the room to investigate. Hhessh asks Ace if the Doctor is another alien, and Ace says that she knows that he's from Mars. Hhessh demands to know who she is, Sam states that she's their explosives expert. Hhessh wants to know how much Markus has told Ace, but he tells him to stay calm, Hhessh replies that he still wants answers.
The Doctor calls for a lift, which Raina says is unnecessary. The Doctor knows Ace followed Sam, and wants to know what happened to her. Raina tells him the stairs would be quicker and leads the way. The Doctor asks about the vault's location and Anna explains that it's hidden beneath the arsenal inside the Kremlin, to which the Doctor reveals that he's familiar with the citadel. The Doctor asks how they'll get in, and Raina explains that Yavgeni's brother Yasha has an entry pass and will smuggle them in a delivery truck going through the main gate. Raina asks what the Doctor wants and who he is working for, to which the Doctor replies that he's simply curious about the treasure. The Doctor in turn, asks Raina why she's involved, and Raina claims that it's personal gain. The Doctor asks her who Sam is working for, but she says she's paid not to ask questions and that their only job is to steal the treasure and leave Russia with it. Raina asks if he's worried about Ace, and the Doctor says that he told her to keep an eye on Sam. The sound of a sonic gun blares out, causing the two to run in its direction.
It's revealed that Hhessh is destroying the listening bugs in the room with help from Ace, much to Sam's horror. The Doctor arrives at the door, Ace lets him and Raina in, and they both see Hhessh, who is initially furious and attempts to shoot them, but Markus stops him, revealing that they're on the team. Hhessh is surprised that the Doctor knows his rank and Raina is shocked. Sam reveals that Hhessh is his boss and is the one who set up the mission. Ace gets both Hhessh and the Doctor aquatinted with each other and the Doctor wants to know what a martian is doing on Earth, to which Hhessh asks if Sam has told anybody about the mission, and they confirm he hasn't. Hhessh explains that he's here to recover the lost relics of his people. The Doctor points out that it was dangerous for them to lose their relics and believes that their intentions are not peaceful. Hhessh is insulted, but the Doctor agrees to help as long as Hhessh and his people take the relics away from Earth. Hhessh storms off to the fire escape, saying the heat's unbearable, ignoring Sam's warnings not to. Sam says that if Hhessh is seen the whole job is scrubbed. Raina is upset at Markus for not telling anybody. Ace drags the Doctor into the bathroom for a word.
Ace feels that the Doctor shouldn’t speak to Hhessh the way he did. The Doctor states that Ice Warriors love a show of strength, but Ace says she's getting on with Hhessh just fine. The Doctor reveals that he dislikes not being in charge and Ace realises that he wants her to sort things out. The Doctor wishes to take a back seat and for Ace to take responsibility, Ace reluctantly agrees, but wonders why he couldn’t have said earlier and why he doesn’t trust the Martians. The Doctor explains that he and the Ice Warriors have a checkered history before wishing Ace luck and warning her that everybody has their own agenda.
Sam explains to Raina that Hhessh is running the show. Raina is worried about Felnikov finding out, but Sam tells her to keep calm. Raina says that they'll be suspicious, and Markus remarks that they wouldn’t be if Yavgeni hadn’t tried to play burglar bill. Raina asks what will happen with the two of them after this is over, but Sam tells her not to worry and to get some sleep.
On the landing of the fire exit, Hhessh contacts, an Ice Warrior named Glarva and asks if he's in position, Glarva replies that he is. Hhessh orders him to relay to the outpost that the first part of the mission is complete, he then informs Glarva that the humans are ill-disciplined, untrustworthy and not true warriors and if the mission deviates, he'll have to take control.
Back in the room, the Doctor tells Ace to get some sleep, but she's feeling restless as there’s too much to think about, which Markus agrees with. Raina orders breakfast for five, which confuses everybody, but she claims she's really hungry. Sam reveals that Hhessh packed his own food, which much to the Doctor's amazement is fish fingers which Hhessh apparently can’t get enough of. Ace decides to take some to him.
Glarva is telling Hhessh that once the mission is complete, he can send a signal up that they'll be able to home in on. Ace then arrives and gives Hhessh his fish fingers, which he's thankful for. The two then start talking, Hhessh senses that the people of Moscow have faced many hardships. Ace says it's because they're warriors but Hhessh states that the people of the red planet sometimes fight for the wrong reasons. Ace asks why he came to Earth. Hhessh explains that he and his group of Ice Warriors have been exiled to Earth for the past forty-three years. Ace then asks how many, and Hhessh says that there are seven old warriors including himself, but they're suffering will end with the recovery of their long lost relics. Ace apologises about the Doctor, saying he's protective. Hhessh understands and remarks that the Doctor is an old warrior too.
In the room, the Doctor asks Raina to run them through the plan one more time. Raina explains that they'll attend the parade in Red Square at eleven, make a quick exit at twelve-fifty, then meet Yasha with the crate, truck and contents and he'll drive them through the Kremlin's front gates. There's a knock at the door. Felnikov enters and informs the Doctor that he checked their papers and it seems that he and Ace were indeed overlooked. After chatting for a bit, he leaves, making Raina and Sam realise that he knows, but the Doctor points out that he could just be slightly suspicious. Ace comes through and explains that she's gone through the plan with Hhessh and he's ready.
At the entrance to the Kremlin, Felnikov is speaking with the motorcycle gang, telling them to let the group pass through, which they're not happy about, but Felnikov says he wants to give them a clear path and as little commotion as possible, but that if they deviate, to close the trap. He then gives a small speech about how they think they're clever stealing from the Soviet Union on today of all days, but they will be giving them the greatest prize of all.
The Doctor is in a void speaking with the voice of the Adjudicator. The Doctor is not happy as he feels that Ace is being put in danger, but the Adjudicator says that there’s been no disruption to the timeline and that no other humans have noticed. The Doctor states that that has nothing to do with Ace's further education and feels that they've caused a temporal disruption and have put Ace right into the middle of it. The Adjudicator points out that the Doctor does not lead a blameless life, but the Doctor objects. The Adjudicator then ends the conversation and we see the Doctor at the parade, Markus is standing next to him. After asking for the time, Markus tells the Doctor they should go, but the Doctor says they've still got time and to just relax. The two then have a small chat regarding weapons and the Doctor remarks that Hhessh's arrival has caused havoc.
Elsewhere, Raina is showing Ace the factory workers from her home of Ukraine. Raina then points out other heroes of the Union and Ace wonders if it's truly as great as she claims. Raina reveals it's a struggle, and it turns out that after the mission, she's moving to London as it's not safe for her in Russia. It's then revealed that Raina is fifteen weeks pregnant, which Ace figured out after she ordered breakfast for five, she then realises that Sam is the father. Raina says she doesn’t want Sam knowing and worries about him being involved with Hhessh. Ace assures her that Sam will be fine, but insists that she tells him. Sam then approaches and tells them that Yasha is ready. Felnikov suddenly appears, and the Doctor claims they are just admiring the military weaponry. Felnikov says that he's proud of what the Soviet Union has achieved, and shows the powerful rockets, equipped with nuclear warheads. Felnikov says he has business elsewhere and hopes they enjoy the parade before walking off. Ace believes that Felnikov was thinking they wouldn’t go through with it, to which Raina says there’s no turning back now.
Hhessh is inside the crate, talking with Glarva, who informs him that they have tracked his position. Hhessh asks how long away their destination is, stating that the crate is unbearable. Glarva informs him that they're approaching the citadel.
The Doctor, Ace, Sam and Raina are in the back of the van, which according to Raina, is now at the gates. Sam is worried about Hhessh, but Ace says she talked to him, and he's agreed to set his sonic gun to stun. Yasha lets the group out and together they place the crate on to a trolly. Ace asks Raina if she's alright, Raina simply says it's nerves. They wheel the trolly into the building, which is unusually deserted and quiet. They enter a lift. Yasha tells the group that the vault containing the relics is in the armoury. The Doctor asks if he worked with his brother and Yasha says he didn't, but that Yavgeni told him enough. He then goes on to explain that security is tight and that Yavgeni knew the sonic grenade had a mind of its own. They arrive and Yasha points towards the vault. The Doctor and Ace plan to leave, but Sam lets Hhessh out of the crate, causing Yasha to flee in fear. Hhessh initially tries to stop him, but Ace and Raina calm him down. The Doctor and Hhessh express distrust for each other. The Doctor then tells Ace to help open the vault.
Yasha runs upstairs and straight into Felnikov, who asks if the group are down there. Yasha confirms that they're all down there and Felnikov tells him he did well.
Ace is having trouble with the vault, the combination Yavgeni gave them isn’t working. The Doctor then tries and soon discovers that someone has reset the combination. Hhessh is impatient and wants to cut his way through, but Ace reveals that she has some spare Nitro-9.
Back upstairs, Yasha is telling Felnikov about the creature he saw. Felnikov is pleased as it seems that they’ve walked straight into his trap. Yasha asks if his family will be spared, and Felnikov promises they will be and that Yasha will be hailed as a hero, but that he won't be around to celebrate. And with that, Felnikov pulls out a gun and shoots Yasha dead before the sound of a muffled rumble is heard.
Ace has successfully blown down the door of the vault and Hhessh marvels at the treasures, in particular Sezhyr's helmet and armour. We learn that Sezhyr was the first martial of the Ice Army, and that he was the one to end what Hhessh refers to as the Great Dust Rebellion. The Doctor quickly starts piling the relics into the crate. Felnikov shows up with his men, and Hhessh becomes insulted by the helmets, seeing it as a mockery of his people. Felnikov thanks Sam for leading him to a creature they can use as a specimen, he then orders his men to capture Hhessh. Hhesh proceeds to start stunning them. Sam punches Felnikov, and Hhessh orders Sam to hold him. Alarms start wailing, and Raina states that they need to get out, Hhesh suggests using Felnikov as a human shield. The Doctor seals the lid of the crate.
The group run out of the Kremlin with the crate and make for the van. The Doctor gets in the driver’s seat, while everyone else gets in the back with the crate. The Doctor drives off with more of Felnikov's motorcyclists close behind. The Doctor bursts through the gates and continues to try and shake off Felnikov's men, but to no avail. The men attempt to hem the van in, but the Doctor drives into the parade. Hhessh opens the back doors and begins shooting at the motorcyclists, managing to stun one. Soon, the Doctor drives on to the frozen-over Moscow river, stopping the motorcyclists in their tracks. Raina takes the helmet out of the crate and she and Ace feel unnerved by Sezhyr's helmet. Hhessh contacts Glarva and states that his intervention is required, and asks that not a trace be left behind. Glarva states that they’re already with him. Everyone looks up and spots an Ice Warrior spaceship flying towards them. Sam decides to leave, much to Raina's shock. The Doctor stops the van, and Sam tells Raina that she was great, and that he'll send her a cheque. Ace is irritated by this. The Doctor orders everybody to get out. Glarva tells Hhessh that they're commencing the transmat. Sam tries to get Raina to leave. Ace becomes furious, and despite Raina's pleas, tells him that she's pregnant with his kid, shocking Sam. A tractor beam suddenly shines down on the van, and it quickly vanishes.
Part Three[]
The Doctor is once again in the void being contacted by the Adjudicator, who is unhappy with his interference. The Doctor explains that circumstances changed, but the Adjudicator informs him that the Academy board feel that Ace isn’t doing well so far, which the Doctor argues is due to them putting her under pressure and that he doesn’t want to risk Ace's life. The Adjudicator reminds him that he was the one who set up the test. The Doctor asks to be taken back, the Adjudicator accepts, but warns the Doctor that if he meddles again, his involvement will be terminated. The conversation ends.
Back in the van, Ace wakes the Doctor up, and it's revealed that they're on the helm of the Martian ship, Hhessh has left with Felnikov having gone after him, and the TARDIS, along with a big chunk of the frozen Moscow river has also been dragged up. Ace feels that she messed up badly telling Sam, and the Doctor reveals that he knew about Markus and Anna's child and that it will be a girl.
Meanwhile, Sam demands to know why Raina never told him about the baby and asks how she knows it's even his, but Raina is distracted. She's holding Sezhyr's helmet, and mutters to herself that she feels as if it's staring at her. Sam tries to ask if the baby's not his, but Raina is too distracted and feels her blood turning to snow. The Doctor comes over and tries to get her to put it down. Sam tells him and Ace to keep their noses out of their business and asks Ace why Raina told her first, to which Ace remarks that it doesn’t take much figuring out if you can be bothered. There's suddenly some muffled banging followed by Felnikov's voice calling out.
Felnikov is banging on a door, demanding to speak to somebody in charge. When the Doctor and the others approach, he accuses them of working with Hhessh, to which Ace states that the Doctor works for nobody. The door opens and Glarva storms in, demanding to know what Felnikov wants. Felnikov informs him that he is a member of the Soviet Republic, but Glarva doesn’t care. Felnikov asks if they're being taken to Mars which is followed by Ace asking where Hhessh is. Hhessh walks in and orders Felnikov to stop harassing the Doctor, who as it turns out is no longer in his employment, which Ace claims puts him in his place. Felnikov asks what they want, but Hhessh ignores him and orders Glarva to stand down since they’ve got what they came for. He then orders him to get the relics from the van. A scream is suddenly heard coming from the van and Ace realises it's Raina. The group run in the direction of the van.
Inside the van, Sam is now kneeling over Raina, who's lying on the floor, wearing Sezhyr's helmet. The Doctor and the others arrive, and Sam says he tried to stop her but that she just put it on. Glarva wonders what she's doing with the helmet, to which Sam says she just suddenly put it on and fainted. The Doctor attempts to pull it off, but Sam says that he's tried and that it's jammed on. The Doctor notes that Raina's temperature is going up, but Glarva is furious, stating that Raina is defiling the armour of Sezhyr and reminds them that they were warned. Ace points out that he shouldn’t have left it lying around. The Doctor notes that Raina's pulse is getting faster and Ace asks if the helmet is causing it. Sam attempts to get it off, but the Doctor stops him and explains that the helmet is part of a martian exoskeleton and the circuitry in the helmet is melding itself to Raina's body. A horrified Ace thinks that Raina is becoming a cyborg and that it could've been her, but the Doctor laments that it could've been any of them. Hhessh explains that all warriors are one with their armour and that Sezhyr was their greatest warrior and strategist, he then says that he was in Sezhyr's service and that Sezhyr swore that death would never claim him. Hhessh suggests cutting Raina out of the helmet and orders Glarva to get a sonic torch. Ace warns Hhessh that it would end up killing her, but Hhessh ignores her and orders Glarva to take the relics to the flight deck. Glarva takes the crate and Ace tries telling Hhessh that Raina needs medical attention, Hhessh refuses to listen, stating that the helmet is theirs and ordering them to find a solution before following Glarva. Markus says that Raina is getting worse. The Doctor explains that the helmet is speeding up her physical and chemical processes, and is invading and reprogramming her entire body. Ace realises that the helmet is changing Raina into something. Sam expresses concern about the baby, to which the Doctor states that he dreads to think.
Up on the flight deck, Hhessh is observing Glarva as he places the rest of the relics in storage. Hhessh says that the helmet can stay with the group as he trusts Ace, feeling that she's different from the others. He then asks an Ice Warrior named what the status of their flight is. The Ice Warrior says that they're in orbit, but won't reach the outpost for another two hours. Glarva believes that they're doomed, but Hhessh states that they've emerged from the shadows and wonders what the humans will think of their intervention. Another Ice Warrior points out that the Russians might expose them, but Hhessh states that they're too secretive. The Ice Warrior from before suggests that they might accuse the West, with Glarva replying that they'd be stuck in the shadows again. Everyone except Hhessh shares their strong hatred of humans, Glarva suggesting that they purge the helmet of the 'human scum' Hhessh however rejects this idea, stating that the helmet is doing something and wonders whether this is some great plan by Sezhyr himself.
Back in the van, Raina is getting worse and begins asking for fish. Ace realises that she needs food and the Doctor realises that she's referring to fish found on Mars which are eaten by Ice Warriors, and the counterpart on Earth is frozen fish fingers. Ace at first thinks of asking Hhessh for some, but the Doctor advises against this, explaining that they won't understand due to them being military and says that the helmet is changing her into something which Ace realises is an Ice Warrior. The Doctor has worked out which one she's turning into, but won't say, telling Ace to stay with Sam and Raina. He then exits the van. Sam asks Ace if she's sure the Doctor is sane, to which she replies that he is, and that she fully trusts him. Markus decides to follow the Doctor.
The Doctor is about to enter the TARDIS when Felnikov suddenly appears, asking what's in the police box. The Doctor claims that there are just a few personal artefacts inside, but Felnikov isn't convinced. The Doctor asks if the Ice Warriors mentioned their destination, but Felnikov explains that they only mentioned an outpost and wonders if it's Mars which the Doctor doubts. Felnikov believes that the helmet will kill Raina, saying that he's seen people who wear it die. The Doctor asks what his scientists learned to which Felnikov explains that the helmet was tested on eleven volunteers and that they all died from the inside out, the Doctor noting that Felnikov's biker gang were wearing similar helmets. Felnikov explains that they discovered a lot from the helmet. The Doctor states that he believes the helmet is attempting to fuse Human and Martian DNA. When Felnikov asks the Doctor for help, he refuses, not willing to destroy more lives. The Doctor then slips into the TARDIS much to Felnikov's bewilderment.
Back in the van, Sam contacts his boss, Wolshkin, who asks how the mission went. Sam remarks that he caused two international incidents. Wolshkin asks if they got everything and Markus explains that they had to cut a few corners. Wolshkin asks if Hhessh enjoyed his trip and Markus tells him about the Doctor and Ace but is shocked to learn that Wolshkin already knows about them. He then warns Markus not to get too involved, stating that it will only end in tears.
Back in the van, Raina comes round and Ace tells her that the Doctor and Sam will be back soon. Raina asks Ace to tell Sam something, but Ace assures her that she can tell him herself, that she'll be fine. Raiba begins to talk about how everything changes, but suddenly stops as her belly begins to swell in size and she says that she's gone into labour. Sam returns and is shocked to learn that the baby is coming, Ace calls out for the Doctor.
The Doctor steps out of the TARDIS with filleted fish, much to Felnikov's confusion as he believed he was getting medical supplies for Anna. The two turn around at the sound of Raina screaming and Ace calling out. An irritated Ace then runs towards the Doctor and informs him that Raina is having the baby.
The Doctor and Ace return to the van. Raina's skin has turned dark green and her voice sounds raspy as she tells Sam that Earth is not her home. The Doctor explains that the helmet has accelerated the baby's growth in a matter of hours. Ace tries to give Anna the fish but she smacks them away, her voice now sounds raspier with her wheezing as she speaks. Markus leaves as he still doesn’t believe he's the father, and the Doctor, with Ace's help begins helping Raina give birth.
Sam is outside speaking with Felnikov when Hhessh arrives, demanding to know what is happening. Sam explains what the helmet is doing to Raina. Soon, the sound of a crying newborn is heard, and Felnikov congratulates Sam, much to his annoyance.
In the van, the Doctor has wrapped up the baby in a jumper and tries handing her to Raina, but she refuses, calling it repulsive and stating that it's not hers. Sam arrives and after being handed his daughter, starts to warm towards her. Sam notices the change in Raina's voice and skin, and asks what's wrong with her, Hhessh enters and declares that 'he' is being reborn. Ace realises that Raina is being changed into Sezhyr, and that the helmet will kill her. The Doctor tells Markus to go outside with the baby, he then tries telling Hhessh that the helmet is unstable, but Sezhyr sits up and claims that the helmet wasn’t used properly. Sezhyr takes Ace hostage and demands that the Orb of Alkyl be brought to him. The Doctor tries to reason with Sezhyr, but he refuses to listen.
The Doctor is contacted telepathically by the Adjudicator, who is furious that the Doctor meddled and demands that he return to the TARDIS and leave Ace. The Adjudicator suspends the Doctor's involvement, stating that Ace must fend for herself and that he must leave. The Doctor initially refuses, but the Adjudicator threatens to use force.
The Doctor reluctantly exits the van, ignoring Ace's calls for him to help. He passes Hhessh and Glarva, who has brought the Orb of Alkyl.
The Doctor finds Sam and ushers him into the TARDIS.
Ace is left shocked as she hears the TARDIS dematerialise. Sezhyr releases Ace and uses the orb to renew his body, much to the awe of Hhessh and Glarva. Ace then uses this distraction to run out of the van.
Outside, Ace runs into Felnikov, who demands to know where the Doctor and Sam went and why they left Ace behind. Ace argues that the Doctor has a plan. Hhessh approaches the two and asks where the Doctor and Sam went. Ace tells him that they've gone, but Hhessh states that they have reached the outpost and that this is a great day.
The Ice Warrior ship lands in a large Cold Storage Unit and Hhessh exits, being saluted by seven Ice Warriors. Glarva steps out with the relics of Sezhyr and is followed by Ace and Felnikov. Ace points out to Felnikov that they're not on Mars since they can breath and the Ice Warriors are still wearing their armour. Hhessh explains that this is their last outpost and that they are now guests. One Ice Warrior asks about the Helm of Sezhyr and Hhessh informs them of Sezhyr's resurrection. Sezhyr exits the ship and declares that he has conquered death itself.
The Doctor and Sam are walking down an empty street as it starts to rain. It turns out that they're in London, and the Doctor believes that the TARDIS was deliberately drawn here, also adding that the Time Lords must be interested in the welfare of Sam's daughter. The Doctor says that they need to figure out where the ship went and asks where Sam's boos is based, but he doesn’t know as he just gets orders. After a short conversation, Sam says that he'll try and get hold of a few contacts.
Back in the cold storage unit, the Ice Warriors want to learn everything from Sezhyr, who in turn wants to know why they're hiding away. Glarva questions whether Sezhyr is who he claims to be, Hhessh is enraged by this, but Sezhyr agrees with Glarva, and confirms that he is Sezhyr by recounting his many triumphs. During this, Felnikov and Ace attempt to look for a way out. Glarva claims that they have worshipped the relics, but Sezhyr points out that the energy orbs are gone. Glarva speculates that they may not have survived, but Hhessh states that he saw them, and realises that they, along with Ace and Felnikov are missing.
Out in a dark corridor, Ace and Felnikov reach a dead end. The two soon realise that they're in a cold storage facility, somewhere in England. Felnikov then shoves Ace into one of the freezers and locks her in before running off.
Over at Sam's mother's house, Sam informs the Doctor that he got in touch with his boss and discovered that he's being paid off, he then tells the Doctor that one of his contacts knows somebody who delivers fish fingers to a cold storage facility on the south bank with a dodgy reputation, making the Doctor realise that that's where the Ice Warrior ship is, it's then revealed that the Doctor and Sam both have the Martian energy cells. The two head off to the cold storage facility before the Russians can get there.
Ace is freed from the freezer by Mr Wolshkin, who takes her to his office to warm up.
In the big freezer, Sezhyr learns that they're on Earth, and is furious that the Ice Warriors fled from Mars. Hhessh explains that they fled due to the ice armies splitting into factions, and it's revealed that Hhessh and the other Ice Warriors are the last of the old believers. Sezhyr asks if Earth is owned by Mars, but Hhessh explains that it isn't, and that when they arrived, the ship carrying Sezhyr's relics crashed. Sezhyr is horrified to learn that they've been getting help from a human, but Hhessh states that the human, who turns out be Vitali Wolshkin, is also in exile. Sezhyr is outraged, and declares that these changes must be put to right, and that Earth must be made to recognise who they are.
Over in Wolshkin's office, he and Ace are eating soup which warms Ace up. Ace is questioned by Vitali about what she's going to do about the Ice Warriors, to which Ace answers that she plans to destroy their relics as they need to be stopped. Vitali agrees before stating that if she's accepted into the Prydonian Academy, she would find it easy there. Ace is completely confused by this, and it's revealed that Wolshkin is the Adjudicator, but is surprised to learn that Ace didn’t know about the test, after mentioning that the Doctor believes that going to Gallifrey would be good for her. Ace is shocked, and despite Vitali's best efforts to calm her down, she becomes angry that the Doctor set her up, stating that she'll never trust him again.
Part Four[]
Wolshkin tries to tell Ace that he'll understand if she's not ready for the Academy, but Ace angrily says that she's ready and that she wouldn’t want to disappoint the Doctor. She then asks what happens next, and Wolshkin tells her that she must choose and asks who she favours, stating that everything now hangs in the balance.
In the large freezer, Sezhyr wishes to see the outside world, but Hhessh won't let him as it would be too dangerous to travel during the daylight. Sezhyr asks if they've become warriors who cower in the dark. Sezhyr asks about news from Mars and Hhessh informs him that they've heard nothing in the past forty years and that Earth is now their home. Sezhyr states that with the energy cells they stole from the ship he could return home. Glarva approaches, holding Felnikov around the neck. He tells them that he caught Felnikov trying to escape the outpost. Hhessh states that he's not their prisoner, but is a traitor attempting to give away their position. Sezhyr demands to know where the stolen energy cells are, but Felnikov claims that Sezhyr's soldiers stole them and that if anybody has them it will likely be Markus or the Doctor. He then points them in the direction of where he thinks Ace still is. Glarva, however reveals that Ace has escaped. Sezhyr is angered by Hhessh's weakness, asking if she would betray them. Felnikov states that he'll deal with the Doctor and Markus, revealing that the Russian Government have already planted agents in London. Hhessh doesn’t trust him, but Sezhyr feels Felnikov offers better terms. Hhessh disagrees and angrily storms off, claiming he has business elsewhere. This angers Sezhyr. Felnikov gets Glarva to release him, promising that he'll sort out their problem.
Back in Wolshkin's office, Ace demands to know where the Doctor is, causing Wolshkin to think that she suddenly wants to see him again. Ace, however says that she wants to avoid him. Wolshkin notes that she shows no air of detachment when suddenly there’s a knock at the door. Ace says that it isn't the Doctor. It's then revealed to be Hhessh, who Wolshkin is the benefactor for. Hhessh realises that Wolshkin was the one to release Ace which she owes him for. Wolshkin asks how Sezhyr is and Hhessh says that he's difficult. It's revealed that Wolshkin knew about the trouble that would arise and that's why he dropped Ace into it, and that he knew Anna would be sacrificed in order to resurrect Sezhyr. Hhessh learns that Wolshkin is a Time Lord and after Ace demands more answers, Hhessh agrees to take her for a drive.
The Doctor and Sam are walking along the south end. The Doctor feels guilty about not informing Ace about the test and hopes that nobody else has told her. Sam reveals that he's decided to name the baby Raine. The Doctor suddenly realises that while they may be looking for the Ice Warriors, the Ice Warriors may come looking for them. Sam decides they should leg it, and the two run as Felnikov's motorcycle gang suddenly appear and start riding after them.
Back in the freezer, Sezhyr demands to know why there is no response from Mars. Glarva explains that it has been many years since they left, prompting Sezhyr to ask if there is anybody left on the planet. Glarva explains there was a war, and that the old beliefs were cast aside. Sezhyr expresses his love for war. He asks where Hhessh is and is furious to learn that he went outside and is consorting with humans. Sezhyr orders Glarva to bring him his warrior armour and some vodka as they're going to take this impasse by the throat.
Ace and Hhessh are driving in Wolshkin's Bentley. Ace realises that Sezhyr hasn't lived up to Hhessh's expectations. Hhessh explains that history states that Sezhyr was a tyrant. He then asks if Ace is disappointed with the Doctor. Ace admits that she is and wonders why she couldn’t be trusted, also lamenting that she doesn’t want her time with him to end. Hhessh wonders if he can possibly defy Sezhyr, saying that the Martians have a lot to thank him for. Ace points out that Earth doesn’t and asks what they're going to do to stop him.
The Doctor and Sam hide in an alleyway as one of the motorcycle riders drives past. They both notice that the helmets are the same as Sezhyr's helmet. The Doctor realises that the Russians are investing in stolen technology. Sam thinks that the energy cells are weapons, but he and the Doctor are forced to duck down as a bentley speeds past. The Doctor realises that it may be important so he and Markus follow it. The rest of the Motorcycle gang begin following them, but the Doctor distracts them by using a sonic grenade that Markus had also stolen.
Ace and Hhessh have entered the freezer, but both have been restrained by some Ice Warriors. Glarva tells Hhessh that Sezhyr demands his presence. Hhessh asks why he's being summoned under escort but Glarva simply says that Sezhyr wants to see both him and Ace. Hhessh says that Ace has no part in this and won't betray them, also reminding Glarva that he's still the leader. Glarva lets Ace go and she wishes Hhessh luck before running off.
Ace rings the doorbell at Wolshkin's door when suddenly Felnikov approaches and asks Ace for help. Ace finds that ironic and isn’t surprised to learn that the Doctor and Sam stole some of the weapons from them. Felnikov wants Ace to help find them. Ace asks if it's for Russia or Mars, and Felnikov says that the Soviet people would be grateful. Ace refuses, stating that she's no longer the Doctor's friend. Felnikov then knocks on the door and calls out to somebody. The door opens, revealing an Ice Warrior, who grabs Ace; Felnikov stating that she'll make an excellent bargaining chip.
In the freezer, Sezhyr is confronting Hhessh about him abandoning Mars and fleeing from battle. Hhessh tries to explain himself, but Sezhyr is refusing to hear any of it. The Ice Warrior that captured Ace arrives with her arm wrapped around Ace's neck. Sezhyr asks the others if they will join him or grow old in exile and shame. Glarva agrees to stand by him as do the others. Hhessh, however remains silent.
Sam informs the Doctor that Felnikov's gang are crawling all over the place. The Doctor takes the other energy cell from Sam as he doesn’t trust him with it before pointing out a nearby building, which he believes is where the bentley and the Ice Warriors are. As they approach, they spot some of the motorcyclists. Felnikov suddenly appears from behind with the rest of his gang. He demands the rest of the relics back and reveals the alliance with Sezhyr. The Doctor takes out another sonic grenade and asks how Ace is getting on. Felnikov states that if he doesn’t hand over the energy cells, Ace will be killed. The Doctor thinks he's bluffing,, prompting Felnikov to order his motorcyclists to move in. Suddenly, some friends of Sam's show up, leading to a gun battle between them and the motorcyclists, and allowing the Doctor and Sam to head towards the building.
Back in the freezer, Hhessh demands that Ace be released. Sezhyr refuses and reveals his alliance with Felnikov, but is disgusted that Hhessh would side with the humans. Ace tells Sezhyr that he can't trust Felnikov, but Sezhyr refuses to listen and says that when he returns to Mars he'll resurrect the Ice Army and use it to conquer Earth. Hhessh tells Sezhyr that the army is gone and that he's no longer the great leader he once was. Sezhyr strips Hhessh of his rank and has Ace taken away. Hhessh states that he'd rather die a coward, to which Sezhyr kills him. Sezhyr declares himself a legend and orders the other Ice Warriors to follow him and bring Ace along so they can show the humans something to marvel at.
The Doctor and Sam watch on as the gunfight continues. A sonic grenade is then thrown at the pair. During the ensuing chaos, the Doctor attempts to contact Wolshkin to get him to stop the assessment as it has gone out of control, but there is no response.
Felnikov approaches the Doctor and Sam, and demands they hand over the energy cells. The Doctor refuses, and demands to see Ace, but Felnikov refuses to listen and orders his motorcyclists to attack, but they refuse. The Doctor remarks that that's what happens when you steal other people's technology. Felnikov decides to take it for himself, when suddenly, the wall of the building opens and Sezhyr marches out, followed by Glarva and the remaining Ice Warriors. Glarva is holding Ace hostage. Felnikov tells Sezhyr that he has retrieved the technology. Sezhyr tells him he's dismissed and after Felnikov claims the Doctor was trying to steal the technology for himself, Sezhyr tells him that he's lying and only wants the technology for himself, and that their alliance is over. Felnikov leaves along with his biker gang, telling the Doctor that he won't forget this.
The Doctor confronts Sezhyr, and says that they've reached a stalemate, he promises to return the energy cells as long as Ace is released. Sezhyr reluctantly agrees and orders Glarva to release Ace. Ace informs the Doctor about Hhessh's death. Sam tries to get Ace to come with them, but she refuses, instead challenging Sezhyr to a fight to the death in the name of Raina and Hhessh. Sezhyr accepts the challenge and orders the other Ice Warriors except Glarva to go back inside. The Doctor attempts to reason with Ace, explaining that Raina may still be alive, trapped within Sezhyr's body. Ace suddenly becomes furious and reveals that she knows about the test and feels like that's all the Doctor was using her for. The Doctor explains that he was doing it for the Time Lords, and that Ace has such good potential. Ace realises that everything has been set up, and accuses the Doctor of playing with people's lives, so she refuses to walk away. Sam suddenly runs off.
Sam bursts into Wolshkin's office, and finds him packing. Wolshkin is aware that things have gone bad and reveals that Ace holds the key to Sam's future if she survives.
Sezhyr tells Glarva that he refuses Ace's challenge, and instead demands the Doctor hand over the remaining pieces of technology. The Doctor states he only has one energy cell, but Sezhyr demands to know where the Orb of Alkyl is, and reveals that it is the device that contains his essence and helped restore him. Ace reveals that she has the orb. Sezhyr attempts to kill both her and the Doctor, but Sam tackles him, and they enter a scuffle. Ace reveals that she swapped the feeds on the vessel and put it in reverse. She then throws the orb at Sezhyr, who misses, causing the orb to smash. Sezhyr collapses and dies. A green glow envelops his body, and after a few moments, Raina is restored to life. Ace and Sam remove the helmet. Ace gives it to Glarva, who says that they have both energy cells now and will leave, but they refuse to take the rest of the relics. Glarva then goes back inside, and the ship takes off.
Raina wakes up and asks about the baby, Sam assures her that the baby is fine. The group then exit the building as the ship takes off. The Doctor suddenly notices that Ace has vanished and comes to the conclusion that the Time Lords have already taken her, lamenting that he never got a chance to say goodbye.
A bit later, Sam and Raina are at Sam's mother's house with the baby. The Doctor abruptly leaves and allows Sam and Raina to keep the relics. The Doctor then goes on to say that Raine is special, and that he'll be back to see her someday.
The Doctor heads outside and contacts Wolshkin, he asks about Ace, and Wolshkin informs him that Ace passed and has been accepted into the Time Lord Academy. The Doctor is pleased, and asks if he can see Ace and make his goodbyes, Wolshkin says he can.
At the Time Lord Academy, Ace is in the main hall, now dressed in Gallifreyan robes. The Doctor suddenly appears and wants to talk, but Ace tells him to leave her alone. The Doctor says that he wanted to say goodbye, but Ace just brushes him off. The Doctor notes that she didn't call him Professor, and Ace tells him that that's kids stuff, the Doctor says he never got the hang of growing up before apologising and saying that he should have realised that she wasn’t willing to go to the Academy. Ace says that she isn't and laments that she didn't think much of 1967. The Doctor tells her that he thinks she'd be good for the Time Lords and promises that she'd feel more responsible. Ace is surprised by this and agrees to at least give the academy a try. She and the Doctor then hug. They then say goodbye to each other, and the Doctor taps Ace on the nose before walking away to the TARDIS, which soon dematerialises.
- The Doctor - Sylvester McCoy
- Ace - Sophie Aldred
- Sam - Tom Georgeson
- Raina - Julia Goodman
- Sezhyr - Michael Fillis
- Hhessh - Martin Wilkie
- Maxim - Warren Clarke
- Adjudicator - Frank Finlay
- Glarva - Derek Handley
- Yevgeni - Nick Gillard
- Yasha - Peter Meakin
To be added.
- The Doctor claims to have last visited the Kremlin centuries earlier.
- Ace anachronistically questions whether Roger Moore, rather than Sean Connery, is the current James Bond. Sam Cunningham says that Moore is the star of the television series The Saint.
- The Doctor, Ace, Markus and Raina attend the ceremony in Red Square marking the fiftieth anniversary of the October Revolution on 7 November 1967. They see Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova.
- Ace is disappointed that she has not seen a single hippie.
- The Ice Warrior Lord Hhessh has grown fond of fish fingers.
- Lt. Raina Kerenskaya is from Kiev while her grandfather was a fur-trapper in the Ukraine. As of November 1967, she is fifteen weeks pregnant.
- Sezhyr is a hero of the Dust Rebellion.
- Markus Creevy is an Arsenal fan.
- The Orb of Alikyr is a piece of Ice Warrior technology.
- Hhessh considers Moscow to be cold, like his native Mars.
To be added.
- The Doctor claims to have never delivered a baby before. He would later claim to have delivered the Mongol military leader Genghis Khan, whom he described as a "sweet baby." (TV: Tragedy Day)
- Ace yet again visits 1960s London. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)
- Hhessh mentions "rival factions" of Ice Warriors, and that the militaristic force on Earth are the last "true" Ice Warriors. The Third Doctor had previously encountered one of these pacifistic factions on Peladon & the Ninth Doctor would go on to as well. (TV: The Curse of Peladon, The Monster of Peladon, The Bride of Peladon)
- Ace refers to Perivale (TV: Ghost Light, Survival) and Fenric. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)
- Ace says she knows what it's like to be a long way from home. She was some 2 billion years from her own time when she first met the Doctor. (TV: Dragonfire)
Home video and audio releases[]
- This story was first released on VHS
- This story along with the other stories in Season 27 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Twenty-Seventh Season in 2004.
- This story along with the other stories in Season 27 were upscaled in 1080i50 high definition and were released as Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 27 in the UK.