Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki
Incarnations of The Doctor
First Doctor; Second Doctor; Third Doctor; Fourth Doctor; Fifth Doctor; Sixth Doctor; Seventh Doctor; Eighth Doctor; Ninth Doctor; Tenth Doctor; Eleventh Doctor; Twelfth Doctor; Thirteenth Doctor; Fourteenth Doctor; Fifteenth Doctor; Sixteenth Doctor

The Third Doctor, who was exiled by the Time Lords to Earth in the 20th century for a significant period of his life, was a distinguished man of high class and gadgetry, often tinkering away and privy with machines. He also liked to share his wisdom with those who had open minds, but his patience would quickly dissolve if something annoyed him. Those who got on his good side soon found him to be a friendly fellow, while those who were against him soon found that this gentleman could actually get physical and hold his own in a fight.

The technological limits of the time period, and the constraints of his exile, often made him frustrated and bitter. However, he retained his endearing compassion toward his human companions, and he finally began to gain some mastery over his TARDIS as he dissected its inner-workings while it was rendered inoperable as the exile gave him the opportunity to learn more about his ship than he ever had before since he was no longer constantly on the move from his people. At the same time, he continued trying to regain his freedom.

This incarnation of the Doctor worked for UNIT as their scientific advisor, and remained in their service after his exile was ended. Unlike his earlier incarnations, he was quite willing to engage others physically, and cut a more dashing figure.

His foremost enemy was a fellow Time Lord, The Master. Although appalled by the disregard for life inherent in the Master's schemes, the Doctor treated their relationship as somewhat of a friendly rivalry, even enjoying their battle of wits. The Master reflected an equally casual attitude back at him. The Doctor also held out hope that he could rehabilitate the Master, whom he had once considered a friend. Though the Master sometimes teamed up with the Doctor to deal with foes who threatened them, he always bent to dark and malicious desires, which kept their mutual antagonism alive. Indeed, when they did work together, they showed a mutual respect of each other's abilities. More than once, the Master did offer the Doctor the opportunity to share his power, but the Doctor always refused.

In the field, the Doctor was aided by Sergeant John Benton, Captain Mike Yates, and Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. The Doctor often took exception to the Brigadier's military approach, just as the Brigadier was frequently irritated by the Doctor's air of superiority and seeming disregard for authority. Despite this, the two men ultimately developed an easy mutual trust and strong friendship.

He was initially assisted in the laboratory by Dr Elizabeth Shaw. A capable scientist in her own right, she eventually left to pursue her own work, and the Doctor was given a new assistant, Jo Grant. She was bubblier and had less scientific training, but the Doctor found her a most useful companion in his adventures during and after his exile. They developed a great fondness for each other. Jo left UNIT to marry scientist Clifford Jones.

Eventually thereafter, the Doctor was joined by inquisitive newswoman Sarah Jane Smith. Her journalistic skills and curiosity proved both useful and occasionally hazardous in their travels together.

The Doctor eventually regenerated into a younger body after being exposed to large amounts of radiation during his efforts to stop the Eight Legs of Metebelis III, the price of correcting a mistake he had made in the past.

Biography []

A Day to Come[]

The First Doctor would occasionally have premonitions of his future incarnations, (PROSE: A Big Hand for the Doctor) and there was a rumour that he was able to glimpse his first eight regeneration's during a game of Eighth Man Bound. (TV: Christmas on a Rational Planet, Lungbarrow)

After being shot through the head, and injured during the subsequent fall off a walkway, the Second Doctor began to regenerate, but the process was halted by the Shiner tissue injected into him by the SILOET doctors, causing him to enter a six month coma to heal his body without regenerating. (PROSE: The Indestructible Man)

After his struggle with the War Lords, the Second Doctor was sentenced by the Time Lords to a forced regeneration and Exile on Earth in the 20th century, where he would be allowed to help protect the Earth, with his knowledge of TARDIS operation blocked. (TV: The War Games) However, the Celestial Intervention Agency interceded with the sentence, turning the Doctor into their "hired gun". (PROSE: World Game)

After teaming up with his third incarnation against Omega, (TV: The Three Doctors) the Second Doctor recalled how his "replacement" was "unpromising", (TV: The Five Doctors) and that he had promised to replace his recorder. (WC: Doctors Assemble!)

Eventually, the Doctor's sentence of exile to Earth was enforced, (COMIC: Action in Exile) but he was able to escape before the Time Lords could enforce a regeneration. (COMIC: The Night Walkers)


After being caught in a Time Lord trap that resulted in an enforced regeneration in his TARDIS, (COMIC: The Night Walkers) the freshly regenerated Doctor collapsed outside his TARDIS on 20th century Earth, near a UNIT patrol. He was taken to a hospital unconscious, where he suffered numerous moments of consciousness before falling unconscious again. Escaping from the hospital by appropriating an ornate outfit and commandeering a sporty antique roadster, the Doctor made his way to UNIT HQ to see Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.

However, he was uneasy about the Brigadier since their last meeting and eager to reclaim his TARDIS key to escape the planet. However, the Doctor found not only that his knowledge on how to operate the TARDIS had been blocked, but also that the dematerialisation codes had been changed. Learning that, when he arrived on Earth, a swarm of power units for a non-physical alien intelligence known as the Nestene Consciousness had been uncovered, and that the Nestene Consciousness had an affinity for plastic and planned to replace key government and public figures with animated humanoid facsimiles called Autons, the Doctor agreed to work for UNIT for the time being.

With the help of Dr. Liz Shaw, the Doctor created a device to stop the Autons. The Brigadier feared that the Nestenes would return, and asked for the Doctor's continued assistance. The Doctor agreed to join UNIT as their scientific advisor, using the identity of Dr. John Smith, in exchange for facilities to repair the TARDIS. He also requested similar clothes to the ornate outfit he had appropriated during his escape from the hospital, and a car like the sporty antique roadster he had also commandeered during the escape, since he would need to return both to their proper owners. (TV: Spearhead from Space)

UNIT career begins[]

Summoned by the Brigadier to an underground research centre on Wenley Moor, the Doctor and Liz met Silurians, a species who had gone into hibernation millions of years earlier, revived by power from the research centre. The Doctor strove for peace between the reptiles and humans and gained the trust of the Silurian leader. However, a rebellious and intolerant young Silurian killed his leader and released a deadly virus that threatened to wipe out humanity.

The Doctor and Liz found an antidote, but the Silurians retaliated by taking over the research centre. They planned to destroy the Van Allen Belt, a natural barrier shielding the Earth from solar radiation harmful to humans, but beneficial to reptiles. The Silurians had to return to their caves when the Doctor overloaded the reactor, threatening a nuclear explosion. As the Silurians retreated to their base to go back into hibernation until the radiation in the area subsided, the Doctor stopped the reactor from exploding. However, the Brigadier, on the orders of his superiors, had the Silurian base be sealed off with explosives, killing the Silurians. (TV: Doctor Who and the Silurians)

The Doctor saved radiation-dependent alien ambassadors from General Carrington, a xenophobic retired astronaut, and arranged the exchange of the ambassadors for three captured astronauts. (TV: The Ambassadors of Death)

The Doctor, Liz and UNIT next began working as security at an experimental project to drill through the Earth's crust. The drill head started to leak an oily, green liquid that transformed those who touched it into vicious, primeval creatures who craved heat. The Doctor was transported by the partially repaired TARDIS console into a parallel universe in which the drilling project was further along. He worked with ruthless, alternative versions of his UNIT friends to save both universes. When the drilling site in the alternate universe was destroyed, it gave the Doctor information on the course the project would take. This let him save his own universe at the cost of the director of the operations becoming one of the creatures. (TVInferno)

Liz resigns[]

After at a nuclear power plant that has been taken over by a sontaran, the Doctor was blinded by a flash of light and suddenly found himself in London, 2003 with his future incarnations companion Peri Brown, who was somewhat confused. The Doctor attempted to use his sixth incarnation's TARDIS but found that it didn't work. Realising that somebody was messing with his timeline the Doctor began to investigate but soon he and Peri are thrown into a battle between a future platoon of UNIT soldiers & Cybermen. The two work together with the UNIT soldiers to prevent a second cyber invasion of Earth. Peri is nearly converted into a cyberman but the Doctor is able to rescue her.

The Doctor was soon contacted by another future companion Bernice Summerfield who revealed that The Rani was the one meddling with his timeline. After saying goodbye the Doctor was sent back to his own time where he reunited with Liz. Shortly after, Liz announced her intentions to leave UNIT. (TV: The Eight Doctors; PROSE: The Meltdown)

Battles with the Master[]

The Doctor's new assistant at UNIT after Liz left was Jo Grant. After being warned about the Master coming to Earth, the Doctor convinced the Master to stop his alliance with the Nestenes, after providing them with a bridge-head allowing the aliens to return to Earth and creating weapons and tactics, as the Nestenes would not distinguish between the Master and anyone else in their takeover, and the two worked together to fling the Nestenes back into space by "changing the polarity" whilst the transfer shift of the radio telescope that summoned the Nestene invasion force was still open. The Doctor had also stranded the Master on Earth after stealing the dematerialisation circuit of the Master's TARDIS. (TVTerror of the Autons)

The Doctor visited Stangmoor Prison with Jo for a demonstration of the Keller Machine, a device to extract negative emotions from hardened criminals. The Doctor discovered that the Master was behind the machine, but also that he had lost control of it. The machine was destroyed along with the Thunderbolt missile the Master tried to launch at the World Peace Conference, but the Master recovered his dematerialisation circuit and escaped again in his TARDIS. (TVThe Mind of Evil)

When a seemingly benevolent alien species known as the Axons arrived, promising new means of energy, the Doctor immediately saw through their charade; they had no intention of helping Earth, instead they planned to drain it dry of all energy. The Doctor once again encountered the Master, who had been captured by Axos after leading them to Earth; the Doctor put on the pretence of abandoning his friends at UNIT while working with the Master to repair his TARDIS. While the Master escaped once again, the Doctor succeeded in trapping Axos in a time loop before departing himself. However, much to his displeasure, the Time Lords had anticipated him leaving Earth and so reprogrammed the TARDIS to always return him to the 20th century. (TVThe Claws of Axos)

When the Time Lords discovered the Master had stolen their secret file on the Doomsday Weapon, they sent the Doctor and Jo to retrieve it on the planet Uxarieus, where they met resistance with the Interplanetary Mining Corporation, who tried to claim rights to the planet with highly unethical means and forcing the colonists to vacate, despite them not being able to do so with their old and damaged ship.

Taking advantage of the standstill between IMC and the colonists, the Master posed as an Adjudicator who could overturn the decision in favour of IMC. The Doctor had little choice but to play up to the Master's whims after a native alien tribe had stolen the TARDIS. He learned the Master's disguise was a ploy to reach a forgotten alien civilisation on Uxarieus, planning to seize the power of one of their weapons. However, the Doctor met the primitives' intelligent leader in the civilisation's city. Because it was intelligent, the Doctor reasoned with it, convincing the guardian to destroy the weapon and all traces of its civilisation before the Master could misuse the technology it held. The Master escaped to freedom. The Doctor reclaimed his TARDIS and left Uxarieus in the hands of a real Adjudicator. (TVColony in Space)

The Doctor tried to stop the Master, posing as a rural vicar, from summoning Azal, the last of the Dæmons, at Devil's End. Azal decided to give his power to the Master, and fired energy at the Doctor to kill him, until Jo stepped in front of the Doctor, asking Azal to kill her instead. This act of self-sacrifice did not make sense to Azal and the confusion destroyed him. The Master tried to escape in Bessie, but the Doctor's remote control brought the car back and the Master was finally captured by UNIT. (TVThe Dæmons)

Missions in time[]

Freedom fighters from an alternate 22nd century tried to thwart a Dalek invasion by coming to the 20th century to assassinate a delegate, Reginald Styles, at the second World Peace Conference in Auderly House. After following the guerrillas back to the 22nd century, the Doctor realised that Styles' actions had instead been performed by Shura, one of the fighters, in a misguided attempt to fulfil his mission, creating a temporal paradox. After travelling to the 20th century, the Doctor returned to ensure the evacuations of the delegates, having the Brigadier order his men to fall back and allow the Daleks to pass. The Daleks and Ogrons arrived in pursuit of the Doctor, but both were destroyed when Shura detonated his bomb. This intervention broke the paradox so the Dalek invasion never took place. (TVDay of the Daleks)

Thinking he had fixed the TARDIS, the Doctor and Jo took it on a test flight, but due to the Time Lords' intervention, (PROSEThe Face of the Enemy) the Doctor accidentally landed the TARDIS on the ledge of a great cliff, which gave way and caused it to fall to the bottom of the chasm, on Peladon. After a cautious climb to safety in the middle of a turbulent storm, the Doctor and Jo entered the citadel of Prince Peladon, where the Doctor was mistaken for a human dignitary summoned to act as chairman of a committee assessing an application by the planet to join the Galactic Federation, where delegates consisted of the Ice Warrior Izlyr, the Alpha Centauri and Arcturus. There proved to be a conspiracy between a Federation delegate and the High Priest of Peladon, and the Doctor and Jo revealed this conspiracy to the Prince. When the delegates began to point fingers at each other in blame, the Doctor himself accused, all suspicions were rendered futile.

However, the Doctor discovered that Peladonians worshipped a mythical beast named Aggedor, which turned out to be real. After encountering it, he learned a Venusian lullaby could calm it, it feared fire, and it could fall under hypnosis. Aggedor was simply a wild creature confined to the citadel in a temple, but the Doctor faced a punishment of execution for desecrating the inner sanctum of Aggedor's temple. Through a plea, he was allowed to battle for survival in a pit fight against the mute warrior Grun instead. The Doctor won the match and spared Grun, since he was a simple and frightened soul at heart. However, delegate Arcturus revealed himself as a traitor working for Hepesh and attempted to snipe the Doctor from above the pit, however, Ssorg killed Arcturus before he could kill the Doctor.

Hepesh had refused to let Peladon join the Federation because he held fast to the old customs of the planet, which would soon be abandoned if an alliance changed the ways it was governed. He used Aggedor to kill Torbis, let Aggedor run wild through the citadel and cause chaos and framed the Ice Warriors as part of a bid to sabotage the delegation, creating dissent between all parties. The Doctor brought Aggedor to the Prince of Peladon so he would also learn of its presence, but Hepesh tried to command it to kill as its High Priest and appointed ruler. He intimidated Aggedor with a torch, thinking it would obey out of fear, but instead, it provoked Aggedor into fatally mauling him. With the traitors condemned, relations between the Federation and the Peladon Kingdom were improved. After the TARDIS had been heaved up the mountainside, the Doctor and Jo had to disembark immediately from Peladon when the real Earth delegate arrived and they were outed as impostors. (TVThe Curse of Peladon)

The Doctor and Jo visited the Master, now imprisoned on Fortress Island. He claimed to have reformed, but still refused to reveal the location of his TARDIS. As they left, the governor, Colonel Trenchard, told them ships had been disappearing. The Doctor investigated, and discovered that the Master had used Trenchard's sense of duty to manipulate him into stealing electrical equipment from the naval base HMS Seaspite to build a machine to control the Sea Devils, hoping to use the reptiles to conquer the world. The Doctor entered the Sea Devils' base and tried to encourage peaceful negotiation, but the Royal Navy, under orders from Private Secretary Walker, attacked the base with depth charges, causing more hostilities between humans and Sea Devils. The Doctor escaped with the captured navy crewmembers and their submarine, and returned to HMS Seaspite, which was promptly captured by the Master and the Sea Devils.

The Master forced the Doctor to create a sonar device that would reactivate more Sea Devil bases, but the Doctor plugged it in improperly, creating a noise that temporarily incapacitated the Sea Devils, and allowing time for Jo and Captain Hart to gain reinforcements to recapture HMS Seaspite. The Doctor chased the Master and his device into the Sea Devil base, and overloaded the device by reversing the polarity. This destroyed the base, preventing more bases from being activated and stopping the war. With the Sea Devils destroyed, the Doctor was prepared to return the Master to prison, but the Master successfully made his escape. (TVThe Sea Devils)

The Time Lords ordered the Doctor to deliver an object to an unknown person in the 30th century, near the end of the Earth Empire, on the colony world of Solos, where the humans were becoming hideous mutants. The Doctor, with the help of Professor Sondergaard, discovered the transformation was a natural part of the Solonian life cycle. A Solonian leader, Ky, eventually went into his metamorphosis and killed the Marshal of Solos, who had been committing genocide against the mutants. The Doctor was instrumental in finding the crystal on Solos that was necessary to spark their final metamorphosis into a higher existence for the coming of the planet's long summer climate. (TVThe Mutants)

The Doctor discovered that the Master had constructed a device known as TOMTIT and commissioned scientists, Ruth Ingram and Stuart Hyde, to further its work at the Newton Institute. The device let the Master pluck various objects from history out of their proper setting and slow down time, though the Master's true goal was to summon the Chronovore Kronos and use its incredible might for conquest. Pursuing him in the Time Vortex, the Doctor accidentally materialised his TARDIS inside the Master's, locking both in a space loop. After much arguing between him and the Doctor, the Master forcibly separated their TARDISes, but launched the Doctor into the Time Vortex. Fortunately, the Doctor used his binary cardiovascular system and the telepathic circuits of his TARDIS to communicate with Jo and instruct her to materialise him back in his TARDIS by using an emergency switch on the console.

The Doctor, Jo and the Master travelled to ancient Atlantis for the other half of the crystal needed to control Kronos, where the Doctor and Jo temporarily enjoyed victory over the Master. However, the Master's charm won over King Dalios's wife, Queen Galleia, making her turn against Dalios's rule. When a guard killed Dalios, however, Galleia turned against the Master in anger, and summoned Kronos with the crystal, resulting in the city's destruction. The Master escaped the destruction, but took Jo hostage in his TARDIS. The Doctor threatened to time ram the Master's TARDIS, but the Master knew he would not risk Jo's safety. Jo, however, tried to carry out the time ram on her own. To their surprise, Kronos itself intervened and told the Doctor and Jo that it was above good and evil. It would grant any wish they desired, but wanted to inflict an everlasting punishment on the Master for trying to control it. The Doctor, knowing that this fate was too cruel, asked that the Master be spared and that he and Jo were sent home to Earth. (TVThe Time Monster)

Facing Omega[]

A superluminal signal was sent to Earth, carrying with it an unusual energy blob that seemed intent on capturing the Doctor. On Gallifrey, the Time Lords broke the first law of time to bring the Second Doctor to help him. When the two proved too different to work together, the Time Lords summoned the First Doctor to lead them, but he was trapped in a time eddy and unable to fully materialise, only communicating with them via the TARDIS scanner.

The Doctors found Omega behind the mysterious disappearances. They prevented him from reinserting himself into the world of matter from his anti-matter domain by blowing it up with a mix of regular matter and anti-matter. As a reward for his services, the Doctor's exile was lifted. (TVThe Three Doctors)

Newfound freedoms[]

The Doctor and Jo wound up on the SS Bernice, a cargo ship crossing the Indian Ocean. A monster appeared in the sea, events repeated themselves, and a giant hand stole the TARDIS. Investigation revealed that they were inside a miniscope, an alien peepshow sporting numerous miniaturised environments, which showman Vorg and his assistant, Shirna, had brought to amuse the populace of the planet Inter Minor. After leaving the miniscope, the Doctor returned the creatures to their homes and destroyed the machine, allowing him to return to normal size. (TVCarnival of Monsters)

The Spiridon gambit[]

Upon arriving on an Earth freighter, the Doctor and Jo were caught up in the escalating tension between planets Earth and Draconia. The Doctor landed his ship in an Earth cargo ship to avoid a collision, but could not properly speak to the crew, as Ogrons boarded it, making off with the TARDIS. Unfortunately, a strange noise caused the human crew to see the Ogrons as though they were Draconians, and they believed the Doctor and Jo had led them onto the ship as spies for Draconia. The two of them were imprisoned on Earth and were unable to convince their captors that they were innocent.

The Doctor was sent to a penal colony on the Moon, where the Peace Party plotted an escape, while Jo was greeted by the Master, posing as a commissioner from Sirius IV and arranged for the release of the Doctor from the penal colony after intervening with a sabotage of the Peace Party's escape plot. They soon discovered that the Master was secretly working with the Ogrons to provoke the two sides into all-out war under the orders of the Daleks, using hypnosound technology to confuse them into thinking humans and Draconians were attacking each other. His plans to kidnap them failed when the ship violated Draconian territory, causing Draconians to seize control of it and bring the Doctor, Jo, and the Master to their home world to face judgement by their own emperor.

Fortunately, the Doctor was able to convince the Draconian Emperor that they were being tricked into attacking humans. He sent the Doctor back to Earth with his son, the prince of Draconia, to convince the President of Earth they had been wronged, but the Master sent the Ogrons to attack them and they captured Jo. Unable to turn back because Earth and Draconia were on the brink of war, the Doctor continued to Earth and explained the deception to its President. He also had to reason with the unyielding General John Williams, who joined the expedition to the Ogron planet, and the group rescued Jo after she managed to resist the Master's hypnosound technology and radioed for help.

The Master anticipated the arrival of the Doctor, having both the Ogrons and Daleks wait for their arrival. He captured the expedition group and promised the Gold Dalek that he would turn over the Doctor to the Daleks for extermination. Fortunately, Jo had pocketed the Master's hypnosound device, and the Doctor used it to frighten the Ogrons into thinking their Dalek masters were terrorising them. In this panic, the Master cornered the Doctor and Jo before they retrieved the TARDIS, pointing a blaster at the Doctor, firing the gun by accident when Ogrons overran him. Though Jo wrestled the gun from the Master as he was swept out of the room by their lumbering bodies, but his shot had grazed the Doctor's forehead and had badly wounded him.

Barely conscious, the Doctor had Jo help him into the TARDIS, where he sent a message to the Time Lords, asking them to pilot his TARDIS and follow the Daleks to their new base. (TV: Frontier in Space) Jo brought the Doctor over to a collapsible bed within the TARDIS console room so he could rest. The Doctor told Jo he would heal, but it would take time. He gave her a tricorder to log anything unusual that happened while he was unconscious, and drifted into a temporary coma.

After the Doctor regained consciousness, he wanted to find Jo to show her he was now healthy. However, Jo had left him to find help and was presumed deceased by a group of Thals she found. He eventually found Jo alive and safe, learning that the Spiridons were a peaceful race forced into violence and experimentation by the Daleks. The group discovered a base with more than ten-thousand Daleks hibernating and buried deep in the ground, and the Doctor figured out they were vulnerable to extreme cold after noticing they slowed down during the nightfall that brought temperatures below freezing on Spiridon. The Daleks were eliminated by using the natural eruptions of liquid ice on Spiridon against them, liberating the Thals, the captive Spiridons, and removing the danger the Dalek army posed to other neighbouring races in the galaxy. (TVPlanet of the Daleks)

Last travels with Jo[]

Sidetracked to the planet Nooma, (PROSESpeed of Flight) the Doctor and Jo visited the planet Karfel and encountered the Borad and the grandfather of Katz. (TVTimelash)

The Doctor and Jo briefly visited Pakha. (TVThe Legacy of Peladon)

After several attempts to get to Metebelis III, the Doctor landed his TARDIS there, but was attacked by violent beings. While on the planet, he took a blue crystal. (TVThe Green Death) He attempted to return to UNIT, but was trapped in the Determinant by the Master, along with seven other incarnations. After giving him advice on how to defeat the Autons, the Doctor was saved after the Graak defeated the Master, and sacrificed its life force to liberate the trapped Doctors. (GAMEDestiny of the Doctors)

The Doctor returned to Earth and joined the Brigadier and Jo at Llanfairfach, where UNIT was investigating Global Chemicals, which was responsible for the pollution, having been directed by the computer BOSS. BOSS used mind control on key company staff, and Mike Yates, and planned on controlling the world based on its initial programming. The Doctor broke BOSS's control using the blue crystal. Once freed, company boss Stevens destroyed BOSS before it could link with computers over the world.

Jo and Clifford Jones, a scientist working at Wholeweal, had developed a quick romance in the few days since they had met, and Cliff asked for her hand in marriage, with Jo accepting his proposal. The Doctor, struggling to hide his devastation, offered his blessing and gave Jo the blue crystal he had retrieved from Metebelis III as a wedding present. Alone, he discreetly and sadly left the celebration as the Brigadier made a toast to the happy couple, driving away in Bessie, once more alone. (TVThe Green Death)

Meeting Sarah Jane Smith[]

Journalist Sarah Jane Smith impersonated her aunt, virologist Lavinia Smith, to gain access to a UNIT research centre. Top scientists were being held there in protective custody while the Doctor investigated the disappearances of their colleagues.

The missing scientists had been kidnapped by a Sontaran commander named Linx, and taken to England in the Middle Ages, where they were working under hypnosis to repair his crashed spaceship. The Doctor helped return the scientists home with Linx's osmic projector. The premature take-off of the Sontaran ship caused the destruction of Irongron's castle, along with the anachronistic weapons Linx had provided to Irongron. (TVThe Time Warrior)

Exploits with Sarah[]

The Doctor and Sarah arrived in 1970s London to find that it had been evacuated because of dinosaurs. The dinosaurs were being brought to London through time eddys in a plan to revert Earth to a pre-technological level. The masterminds behind the Operation Golden Age scheme, Whitaker and Charles Grover, were accidentally transported to pre-historic Earth. (TVInvasion of the Dinosaurs)

On route to Florana, the TARDIS ran afoul of a device that neutralised its power, causing it to crash on the planet Exxilon. Forced to postpone their travel plans, the Doctor and Sarah were met by the primitive natives with aggression. Their issues compounded when they met other parties afflicted by the same device. The Doctor encountered Marine Space Corps members seeking Parrinium, a cure for a space-plague, who were starting to grow restless and fearful after losing some of the crew's commanders, which left Dan Galloway in charge and on edge. The Daleks also landed for the same purpose. The Doctor and the Daleks discovered the Great City of the Exxilons, a large city with a power-disrupting tower preventing technology from working. The natives had become victims of their own technology when it gained sentience and drove them out of their city. This forced them into the wilderness with no means of technology, where they remained for so long it caused them to regress to more primitive ways and worship the city that destroyed them.

However, as the Doctor and Sarah encountered the brutish natives, they also ran into a faction that wished to destroy the city, and befriended Bellal. The Doctor listened to the plight of Bellal's people and agreed to put an end to it with his help. With Bellal's help, he sought to disrupt their city's functions and remove the power-disrupting facility, though it required him and the humans to infiltrate the city's defences and get through several puzzles. Although the Daleks were incapable of using their gunsticks and were left in a rare state of vulnerability that took its toll when the Daleks where picked off by Exxilons and the city's traps alike, they resorted to using ordinary guns to coerce the Doctor and company into following their orders. The Daleks ordered humans to place bombs around the city's central tower to destroy it. The city was destroyed, as was the Dalek space ship, when Galloway chose to atone for his ruthlessness as the acting commander by sacrificing his life to manually detonate bombs placed aboard the vessel. Though the Marine Space Corps could now retrieve their cure on future missions to Exxilon, the Doctor regretted having to destroy the Exxilon's city and lamented the loss of one of the universe's wonders. (TVDeath to the Daleks)

The Game of Rassilon[]

While taking a ride in the country in Bessie, the Doctor was captured by a Time Scoop and taken to the Death Zone on Gallifrey. There, he encountered an older Sarah Jane Smith, who at first was confused by the sight of him as she had witnessed his regeneration and had already parted company with his next incarnation. They travelled to the Tomb of Rassilon, where the winner of the Game of Rassilon would be given immortality. On the way, the Doctor met a future rendition of the Master, who claimed to have been sent by the Time Lords to help him, a claim the Doctor did not believe, confiscating the Seal of the High Council from him, under the assumption that it was stolen, and believing instead that the Master was behind everything, a claim he felt was confirmed when thunderbolts suddenly rained down on them, one of them hitting Bessie and forcing he and Sarah to walk. The Doctor and Sarah also encountered a group of Cybermen and a Raston Warrior Robot; fortunately, the two of them were able to sneak past while they did battle, the Cybermen quickly getting slaughtered.

Using stolen climbing utensils from the Raston Warrior Robot, the Doctor and Sarah climbed to the top entrance to the tower. Inside the tower, the Doctor encountered illusions of Liz Shaw and Mike Yates, and eventually reached the tomb, where the Doctor joined with his first and second incarnations to study the writing by Rassilon's tomb, and open the teleportation systems. The Fifth Doctor arrived, under the control of Lord Borusa, who had brought the Doctors there to help him retrieve immortality from Rassilon. The combined concentration of the three Doctors, however, was enough to break Borusa's control over their future incarnation. When Borusa spoke to Rassilon and took his offer of immortality, he was turned to stone and became trapped within a sarcophagus. The Doctor was soon after returned to his time zone with Sarah Jane by Rassilon. (TVThe Five Doctors)

Final exploits[]

The Doctor returned to Peladon with the intent of reuniting with King Peladon, but accidentally jumped fifty years ahead of his last visit. By then, Peladon had died, with his daughter, Queen Thalira, ruling under a period of dissent, and an ongoing labour dispute between Pel nobility and the Pel miners worsened when apparitions of Aggedor attacked and killed several miners. Following an uprising by the oppressed miners, and distrust from the queen's chancellor, Ortron, regarding who the Doctor and Sarah had sided with, the two were sent to face the judgement of the Aggedor, whom the Doctor calmed with a Venusian lullaby. By Peladonian law, he and his companion were exonerated of any charges placed against them. With the situation worsening, Alpha Centauri summoned for assistance from the Federation, and they sent in Ice Warriors to ensure production. The Ice Warriors' commander, Azaxyr, threatened to kill hostages if the miners refused to work, and the Doctor brought the miners and ruling class together to fight the Ice Warriors.

Following a long series of disputes, the Doctor, Sarah and the Peladonians learned the planet was under siege by Eckersley, a Federation defector seeking to manipulate the people into giving up their world's stores of trisilicate for his own gain. One of the miners, Ettis, attempted to wipe out the whole of them by firing a sonic lance on the Peladonian citadel, duelling the Doctor and subduing him long enough to use the device. Having planned against this, Azaxyr had placed a self-destruct mechanism on the lance, which killed Ettis when he activated it. After recovering from his duel, the Doctor found the apparitions of Aggedor were being created by a machine in the mine that Eckersley had protected with a security system, assaulting the Doctor's senses when he turned it on. When Eckersley cranked up its effects high enough to kill him, the Doctor used sensory withdrawal to block out the attack and feign death until Sarah could rescue him. With the cooperation of Gebek, leader of the miners, and Thalira's forces, Eckersley and the Ice Warriors were wiped out. Sadly, the Aggedor was a victim of the battle between the groups when he and Eckersley killed each other, upsetting the Doctor.

In the aftermath of the uprisings, the Doctor helped bring about a new era of peace to Peladonian society and Sarah, seeing how Thalira was treated due to her gender, ensured that the laws of Peladon would view the queen as a true ruler. (TVThe Monster of Peladon)

A slow demise[]

The Doctor took the Brigadier to see a travelling performance show, where he observed a powerful clairvoyant, Professor Herbert Clegg. He arranged for the professor to meet him in UNIT HQ, where he looked into the source of Clegg's abilities. Before his experiment could begin, he was presented with a package; Jo had sent her Metebelis crystal back to him after a group of Indian porters cited it would bring them bad luck and refused any further association with her and Cliff unless she discarded the crystal. However, Clegg looked into it, causing his psychic abilities to increase and show him a frightful image of extraterrestrial spiders, which gave him a fatal heart attack.

Reunited with Mike Yates, the Doctor and UNIT discovered mysterious goings-on at a meditation retreat run by Tibetan monks were linked to a colony of monstrous spiders on Metebelis III. Here, he ran into his old mentor, K'anpo Rimpoche, who suffered an attack from the spiders and regenerated. The spiders sought the Doctor's crystal and began attacking, possessing, subjugating and killing anyone who stood in the way of them reclaiming the crystal. The Doctor realised that the act of taking it in the first place was a deadly oversight from the beginning, and was told by K'anpo he had no choice but to return the crystal, which would spell his doom.

To save his companions, his teacher, and the whole cosmos from them, the Doctor exposed himself to lethal levels of radiation to destroy the web of the Great One. He allowed the Great One to repossess the crystal, which gave her infinite psychic power, unaware this would be too much for her to bear. The Great One and the Eight Legs linked to her could not handle the limitless power and were destroyed. The Doctor limped to his TARDIS and escaped Metebelis III, horrendously irradiated. (TVPlanet of the Spiders)

The Doctor was stuck wandering around the Time Vortex for ten years, the radiation slowly eating away at his body. The effects became so severe that he could not even reach the TARDIS console, and was doomed to simply wait until the TARDIS landed of its own accord. (TVLove and War)


When the TARDIS finally deposited the dying Doctor back on Earth, he promptly collapsed in his UNIT lab next to Sarah Jane and the Brigadier. Looking at Sarah Jane, he tried comforting her, telling her, "While there's life, there's...", but expired before he could finish his dying words.

K'anpo Rimpoche's psychic projection reappeared before Sarah Jane and the Brigadier, and promised the two that the Doctor would be all right, deciding to give the Doctor "a little push" to help his cells begin a regeneration, then vanished and told Sarah Jane and the Brigadier to "look after him". The Doctor then started breathing again and regenerated into his next incarnation. (TVPlanet of the Spiders)

Alternative Timelines[]

In an alternate timeline created by Dr. Worthington using Time Tunnel, (TVTime Tunnel) the Third Doctor was killed by Morka during his confrontation with the Silurians, resulting in humanity being decimated as the Silurians attempted to return Earth to its original state. (TVBlood Heat)


To be added.

Physical Appearance[]

 Hair and Grooming[]

To be added. 


To be added. 

Other Information[]

To be added.

Behind the Scenes[]


Ron Moody was approached by the producers after his success in "Oliver" but he turned down the role. He stated in interviews that turning down the role of the Third Doctor was the worst thing he ever did professionally.

List of Appearances[]

Doctor Who[]

Season 7 []

  • Spearhead from Space
  • Doctor Who and the Silurians
  • The Ambassadors of Death
  • Inferno

Season 8[]

  • Terror of the Autons
  • The Mind of Evil
  • The Claws of Axos
  • Colony in Space
  • The Dæmons

Season 9[]

  • Day of the Daleks
  • The Curse of Peladon
  • The Sea Devils
  • The Mutants
  • The Time Monster

Season 10[]

  • The Three Doctors
  • Carnival of Monsters
  • Frontier in Space
  • Planet of the Daleks
  • The Green Death

Season 11[]

  • The Time Warrior
  • Invasion of the Dinosaurs
  • Death to the Daleks
  • The Monster of Peladon
  • Planet of the Spiders

Season 12[]

  • Robot

Season 20[]

  • The Five Doctors

Season 30[]

Season 31[]

  • The Legacy of Peladon