Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Vampire Science was the third serial of Season 34 of Doctor Who. It was written by Kate Orman & Jonathan Blum, directed by Renny Rye and starred Hugh Bonneville as the Ninth Doctor & Beverley Cressman as Abigail Norwood.


In the days when the Time Lords were young, their war with the Vampires cost trillions of lives on countless worlds. Now the Vampires have been sighted again, in San Francisco. Some want to coexist with humans, using genetic engineering in a macabre experiment to find a new source of blood. But some would rather go out in a blaze of glory — and UNIT's attempts to contain them could provoke another devastating war.

The Doctor strikes a dangerous bargain, but even he might not be able to keep the city from getting caught in the crossfire. While he finds himself caught in a web of old feuds and high-tech schemes, his companion Abigail finds just how deadly travelling with the Doctor can be.


To be added.


  • The Doctor - Hugh Bonneville
  • Abigail Norwood - Beverley Cressman
  • Carolyn McConnell - Daphne Ashbrook
  • Joanna Harris - Catherine Lough
  • Brigadier-General Adrienne Kramer - Dolores Drake
  • Weird Harold - Eric Roberts
  • James Court - John Novak
  • Abner - Eliza Roberts
  • Slake - Michael David Simms
  • David Shackle - Will Sasso
  • Mi-Jung Kanaka - Mi-Jung Lee


To be added.



  • The Doctor gets blood fasted with Joanna Harris.

Communications technology[]

  • The Doctor gives Carolyn a hypercube to contact him.


  • The Doctor and Joanna discuss Mid-Death Crisis.


  • Abigail and the Doctor encounter a woman dressed as the embodiment of Death from the Sandman comics.

The Doctor[]

  • The Doctor states, "I'm a Time Lord...From the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous." Then he further goes on, "I'm a former President of the High Council of the Time Lords, Keeper of the Legacy of Rassilon, Defender of the Laws of Time and Protector of Gallifrey."
  • General Kramer describes the Seventh Doctor as "a manipulative little weirdo who was always up to something behind [her] back."
  • The Doctor hints when speaking to Joanna Harris that Osiris and the archangel Gabriel were two past identities of his.
  • Thanks to their bloodfasting-induced psychic link, 900-years-old Joanna Harris reads the Doctor's memories and instantly comes to realise that he is far older than she is.

Foods and beverages[]

  • The Doctor gives Abigail a jelly baby.


  • Joanna Harris was born in Canterbury on the same day that William the Conqueror died in 1087, which would make her around 900.
  • Adrienne Kramer met the Seventh Doctor in Washington DC when it was about to disappear up a time rift. She is of the opinion that "chicks dig the time machine".
  • Slake was turned into a vampire in the 1950s.
  • Slake wanted to turn Anne Rice into a vampire.


  • Joanna glimpses within the Doctor's mind Metebelis, Androzani and Alixion.
  • The Doctor once had a half hour conversation with a pharmacist on Lacaille 8760 on lipids.
  • The Doctor mentions the giant mosquitoes of Atraxi 3.


  • The Doctor tells Carolyn McConnell about a species of intelligent sea serpents who worshipped whales as gods.
  • Time Lords can see in the dark better than humans.


  • The TARDIS is parked on the corner of Haight and Ashbury Streets in San Francisco.
  • Abigail's room in the TARDIS contains a Victorian writing desk, an ergonomic chair from the mid 2050s, a mammoth wardrobe with children's coloured stickers and peeling paint, a 14th century Persian rug, and a 4 poster bed.
  • There are two bats inside the TARDIS, Jasper and Stewart.

United Nations Intelligence Taskforce[]

  • UNIT only operates a small division within the United States.
  • SETSO, or Survivors of Extra-Terrestrial/Supernatural Occurrences, have a program for counselling services.
  • General Kramer's UNIT in the US, doesn't know of the Ninth Doctor yet.


  • Great Vampires created the vampires on Earth.
  • Vampires have motivation problems; conversion doesn't occur after a bite, you have to exchange blood.
  • The V Factor is the gene which makes vampires, vampires.
  • There are 14 vampires in a coven (one more than a Time Lord's life)

Story Notes[]

To be added.


  • TV: State of Decay first debuted the Vampires. TV: Goth Opera explain how Vampires got to Earth.
  • The Doctor gives Carolyn a white cube similar to what he he used to contact the Time Lords in TV: The War Games.
  • The Doctor paraphrases himself (...Keeper of the Legacy of Rassilon...etc) from TV: Remembrance of the Daleks.
  • The Doctor states it's been three years since his regeneration in TV: Nerve Gas.

Home video releases[]


  • This story was first released on VHS.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 34 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Thirty-Fourth Season in 2006.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 34 were upscaled in 1080i50 high definition and were released as Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 34 in the UK.