Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Vincent and the Doctor was the seventh serial of Season 45 of Doctor Who. It was written by Richard Curtis, directed by Jonny Campbell and starred Robert Carlyle as the Twelfth Doctor, Sheridan Smith as Sally Ryder & Georgia Moffett as Nikki Williams.


While taking Sally & Nikki to several peaceful locations, the Doctor's trip to a museum takes turn for the worse: his interest is caught by a painting of a church by Vincent van Gogh. What troubles the Doctor is that there's a face in the church's window; it's not a nice face, it's a curious, shadowed, creepy face with a beak and nasty eyes. The Doctor knows evil when he sees it and this face is definitely evil; it may pose a threat to the one who painted it. Only one thing will calm the Doctor's nerves: a trip in the TARDIS to 1890 so he can find out from the artist himself.


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  • The exhibit is called Vincent van Gogh: The Great Innovator.
  • The Doctor uses crosactic energy to stun the Krafayis.
  • The Doctor makes a reference to the film Field of Dreams, saying "If you paint it, he will come..."
  • The Doctor has taken Sally & Nikki to visit Arcadia and the Trojan Gardens.


  • The paper placed on the exterior of the TARDIS is incinerated once it is brought into the time vortex.

People from the real world[]

  • The Doctor has met Michelangelo and Pablo Picasso.
  • The Doctor expresses frustration with van Gogh's style, suggesting that this would "never happen with Gainsborough".


  • Unlike most stories in this series, this story focuses much more on characters than plot, and has hints and references to van Gogh's struggle with bipolar disorder and suicide, something the series has not explored deeply before. A message and phone number for the "BBC Action Line" was broadcast following the "Next Time" trailer for those wanting more information on "issues raised in this program".
  • Pictures of the First and Second Doctors are printed on the TARDIS' typewriter.
  • Bill Nighy was not credited for his role.
  • The song used for the scenes of Van Gogh in the museum is "Chances" by Athlete.
  • This is the first episode since 1963 to end on a cut to black.
  • Van Gogh works referenced in the episode include: Church at Auvers (1890), Bedroom in Arles (1887), The Café Terrace (1888), Still Life: Vase with Twelve Sunflowers (1888), Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890), The Starry Night (1889), Wheatfield with Crows (1890), Vincent's Chair with His Pipe (1888), Self-Portrait with Straw Hat (1887), and Almond Blossoms (1890).


  • The Doctor once again mentions that he is ageing mentally, in contrast to his physical appearance. (TV: Time Crash)
  • The Doctor has previously tried to ask a companion who has recently left to do something. (TV: The Rescue)
  • Taking a companion to a pleasant exhibit after the death of a fellow companion is something the Fifth Doctor attempted to do earlier for Nyssa and Tegan. (TV: Time-Flight)
  • Vincent van Gogh has romantic feelings for Nikki. Previously, William Shakespeare made advances towards Sally. (TV: The Shakespeare Code)

Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 45 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Fifth Season in 2009.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 45 were later released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Fifth Season on Blu-ray in 2009.