Doctor Who: The Cancelled Years Wiki

Visiting Hours was the eighth serial of Season 48 of Doctor Who. It was written by Tom MacRae, directed by Steve Hughes and starred Peter Capaldi as the Thirteenth Doctor, Gemma Chan as Kelsey Haule & Tom Ellis as Richard McIntyre.


The Doctor, Richard and Kelsey land on Apalapucia in the middle of a plague. Kelsey is left behind, and the Doctor and Richard must save her...but time for Kelsey is running at a different speed.


To be added.



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Communications technology[]

  • The Doctor mentions Twitter.
  • A time glass can be used to communicate between streams in a zone using multiple time stream compression engines.

The Doctor[]

  • The Doctor is willing to accept blame for the TARDIS landing too late in Kelsey's timestream.
  • The Doctor lies to the Kelseys about their chances of existing at the same time, and in the end locks out the older Kelsey as she runs for the TARDIS, condemning her to erasure.
  • The Doctor gives Richard a pair of glasses from his bag.


  • The Doctor's TARDIS apparently has a karaoke bar and a collection of DVDs.
  • The Doctor again mentions jettisoning parts of the TARDIS for power.

Temporal theory[]

  • Older Kelsey mentions destiny, causality, and the nexus of time.


  • The Doctor mentions the Planet of the Coffee Shops, saying it was voted the number one place to visit for an intergalactic traveller. Apalapucia was voted number two.


To be added.


  • The Doctor's sonic screwdriver was previously referred to as a sonic probe by the Daleks. (TV: Time's Collapse)
  • The Doctor says that the TARDIS "hates" the massive paradox created by the two incarnations of Amy interacting. That the TARDIS has emotions and a personality is referenced by the Doctor on multiple occasions (TV: The Ribos Operation, The Five Doctors) and verified by statements of the soul of the TARDIS herself in Idris. (TV: The House of Nothing)
  • A replica of the Mona Lisa is shown. (TV: City of Death)
  • Like Richard, another male companion, Steven Taylor had an attachment to Anne Chaplet, who was going to be unavoidably killed in her current circumstances, and wanted to save her. However, the First Doctor could not alter the event in time without great consequences, and lied to his companion and the woman to make them think she could be saved. He was finally forced to abandon Chaplet and let her perish like the older Kelsey, making Steven equally as angry as Richard. (TV: The Massacre)

Home video releases[]


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 48 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Eighth Season in 2012.
  • This story along with the other stories in Season 48, Part 2 were released as Doctor Who: Season 48, Part 2 in 2012.


  • This story along with the other stories in Season 47 were later released as Doctor Who: The Complete Forty-Eighth Season on Blu-ray in 2012.
  • This story along with the other stories in Season 47, Part 2 were released as Doctor Who: Season 48, Part 2 on Blu-ray in 2012.