We Are the Daleks was the fifth serial of Season 52 of Doctor Who. It was written by Jonathan Morris, directed by Ed Bazalgette and starred Damien Molony as the Fourteenth Doctor & Joana Borja as Felicity Wilson.
The year is 1987, and Britain is divided. In Bradford, striker are picketing and clashing with the police. In the city of London, stockbrokers are drinking champagne and politicians are courting the super-rich. The mysterious media mogul Alek Zenos, head of the Zenos Corporation, is offering Britain an economic miracle. His partners wish to invest – and their terms are too good to refuse.
While the Doctor investigates Warfleet, a new computer game craze that is sweeping the nation, Felicity goes undercover to find out the truth about Zenos's partners.
The Daleks have a new paradigm. They intend to conquer the universe using economic power. The power of the free market!
To be added.
- The Doctor - Damien Molony
- Felicity Wilson - Joana Borja
- Serena Paget - Kirsty Besterman
- Alek Zenos - Angus Wright
- Celia Dunthorpe - Mary Conlon
- Niles Bunbury - To be added.
- Frank Lewis - Robbie Stevens
- Brinsley Heaton - Ashley Zhangazha
- Shari - Lizzie Roper
- Afrid - Dominic Thorburn
- Voice of the Daleks - Nicholas Briggs
- Daleks - Barnaby Edwards, Nicholas Pegg
- Newsreader - To be added.
- Thal - Nicholas Briggs
To be added.
Memorable Quotes[]
To be added.
- The Daleks use a time corridor to travel to London.
- The Daleks do not recognise the Doctor initially based on his physiognomy, indicating that they have not yet encountered him following his regeneration.
- The Daleks have a Supreme Council.
The Doctor[]
- The Doctor informs the Daleks that he has many names.
- The Doctor refers to the fact that he defeated the Daleks using the Human Factor during his second incarnation.
Felicity Wilson[]
- Serena Paget has a car phone. She is surprised that Felicity has a mobile phone.
United Kingdom[]
- There are three million people unemployed in the United Kingdom.
- Zenos mentions that Britain has a rich culture of artists such as William Shakespeare, Thomas Gainsborough and Edward Elgar.
- Niles Bunbury believes that Skaro looks like "something from a Dan Dare annual."
- Thal refugees from Skaro inhabit the world of Callico Nine, a Dalek slave world. The only Thals who remain on Skaro are slaves.
- Brinsley believes that Warfleet is the most realistic video game ever made.
Story Notes[]
To be added.
- A Dalek says, "Would you like some vol au vents?" (TV: The Power of the Daleks)
- The Doctor describes the Dalek mutant as a "bubbling lump of hate". (TV: Death to the Daleks)
- Shari mentions that the Doctor have helped the Thals before. (TV: The Daleks, Planet of the Daleks)
- The Doctor says, "I say, you've had the place redecorated. I don't like it." (TV: The Five Doctors)
- The Dalek Emperor believes that using children as battle computers is a good strategy because they enjoy it. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)
- The Doctor refers to the fact that he defeated the Daleks using the Human Factor during his second incarnation. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks)
- The Doctor creates a time storm on New Skaro. (TV: Dragonfire)
- Upon the destruction of the Daleks, the Doctor comments "Ashes to ashes, rust to rust." (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)
Home video releases[]
- This story along with the other stories in Season 52 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Fifty-Second Season in 2016.
- This story along with the other stories in Season 52 were released as Doctor Who: The Complete Fifty-Second Season on Blu-ray in 2016.